entering into a new phase.
a phase where my heart feels the tug of change. The life that is to come as a married woman is approaching and it has me thinking of purging. Of not concealing the need to change any further. but to just get on with it. throw stuff out. put stuff in boxes and give with my heart. to not hold on anymore but embrace the release...
so let go
slowly loose your grip
don't concentrate just push forward
not knowing except for sure that change is coming and it's time to move ahead.
on the finance side, just this week I finished paying off my car. This enormous celebration got me thinking about my future finances. Discipline and productive saving must take place. A plan is set into action and I'm following through. Spending has been put on hold and now saving is key. It feels so good to stop buying stuff. I haven't purchased anything in 3 months now. Just three months but hey, it's a start. And my place is less cluttered. My pocketbook much happier and even the creative process has been thrown for a loop in a good way. get creative girl.
The lack of mojo has increased my awareness in areas where I have overextended myself. And we all know, when you do that you are no good to anyone. So lots of prayer was poured over my decision to de-clutter my schedule and creative mind. The answer: let go of the areas where you are overwhelmed. For me one of those areas was my spot on the SIS design team. I finished my term with the amazing SIStv design team and have stepped down from the team. I've been feeling like I have been overextending myself and need to stop doing that any longer. I love SIS. I love JJ & KA and everyone on the design team. I will miss them but hope to stay in touch with them and the SIS community. I know we will all still be happy :)
So change
it's so good.
I am grateful for everything that has happened this year. The new friends I made. The things I've learned creatively. I'm looking forward to more of that. Also, i have some great news. Back in May, I was on my staycation in my studio and my little friend Mario and his family were heavy on my heart. I decided to make them a page that I could expressively show them that I love and pray for them. But most of all, I don't forget about them. So I painted and splattered and sewed my heart out onto paper. I was pleasantly happy with the page and decided to take a picture of it. Well, a little part of me was kind of like you should send this to a magazine and share it. I kept thinking... what's the one magazine I'd love to be published in??? SOMERSET magazine! I don't subscribe to scrapbooking mags so I have no idea which ones are out there. Just that everytime I picked up a somerset magazine I felt a fit. It was perfect. It always captivated me! Well, i sent the pic to Somerset and I have news that it will be published next year in February/March! Goodness I just wish I could travel to Bolivia with my copy of the mag so I could somehow see my little friends face as he sees himself in a work of art. And how much I love him and his family. :) I get teary eyed thinking about it...sigh...
I love art
i love making people special things
and i love that this season of change is bringing in lots of good ...
that's the way it should always be.
another wonderful opportunity this month was guesting for Kenner Road. Holy smokes the vintage is SO in! THANK YOU KL for the wonderful opportunity! I'm rockin out with the kit tonight :) So a little reveal is soon to come. I love that KL is living her dream. Makes me want to dream big and do something... so here we go!
thinking &
being still,
I will miss your inspiring ways so much. :(
I do understand your reasons but please come visit us often. you will be missed.......
p.s. I got my gift card today. :) thank you so much. i will save it for when you come up here to visit norcal, so i can buy you a latte.....
i'm sad to see you go.
no no no no no.
i'm in denial.
i love you to tiny bits and pieces.
I'm looking forward to seeing where the winds of change blow you.
Congrats on the publication and a bigger yay because it was something you have wanted, well done!
yay to the Kenner Road gig! AMAZING
Keep those dreams alive and fresh cos then they will be come real.
you make my heart smile with your words and goals and dreams. may you be blessed in life (and love ;) ) forever and always. your soul deserves a still moment just to be.
<3 to you.
congrats on the publication..somerset is a good fit for you! It sounds like you are changing and moving..all in forward motion. Good for you!
i admire you.
i hear you.
i am in awe of you.
i appreciate you.
i love you.
Congrats on paying off your car! Hubs and I are working on eliminating debt (not that we have a lot -- we just want to get rid of what we have), so that's wonderful news!
And congrats on the pub! Sorry to see you step down at SIS, but I know you're still gonna inspire me no matter what. :D
Congrats for the publication! And best wishes for all your plans and projects to come.
Well as much as Iam sad to see you leave the SIS DT, it is all go for you Girl, WTG!!!!! and a pub in Somerset, how freaking coool is that!!!! WTG
Lou xxx
your reasons make complete and utter sense.
i love you x
Somerset.... oh you are so perfect for Somerset! Always always loved them and now I have more reason to!
I understand all your changes, you are so wise and your willingness to let go on some things really inspires me.
but you always do inspire me don't you ;)
congrats on the pub girl and you do what is best for YOU! :) can't wait to see your art at KR :)
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