there's been a whole lot of change and random going on around here. I'm trying to pick my spirits up. Afterall it's December! ack! I usually am scrambling to get everything on my shopping list by now but that just gives me a headache. Afterall, it's not really what this season is about :) Having no job title has made me fully aware of my dependance on mine. I keep asking myself without the title, does that still make me a graphic artist? do i need to "work" at a studio to be one? I believe if you Think. be. live. love. create. and happily get up and do that all over again each day, then that's pretty much all there is to it. "Artist" is being, living, expressing your creative spirit. and if you do, then guess what? that's what you are. artistic. creative. beautiful. and i am realizing that i don't need the job title "artist" to be an artist. This goes for anyone. :) me. you.
no more nonsense now! ;P
so go make something!
i think the decision to open up my etsy shop came at the most perfect time. No job title? no problem. keep designing. keep creating. believing and loving the creative process. i have felt it be more like therapy for me. i don't care what negative influences have come my way. there must be a reason for it. i believe it's given me full clarity concerning what i do for a living and why. but i am blessed. even though i had never before sold any art work, (i was too embarrassed!). i had to stand up to my self doubt. feeling confident and secure in what i love to do. and if it sells, awesome. i love it. AND you for supporting the work. so thank you for your support whether it be through your comments or purchases. i cannot thank you enough for letting me share a little bit of my heart with you all. speaking of making something, how about a little show & tell? first, a shop update with new christmas tags and swatch books. AND, speaking of turning a frown upside down...I am once again updating the shop this FRIDAY, December 5th at 12 AM with one of the items listed for only $1 ya never know what will be up for just a buck. ;) it's gonna be good though! and the art journals will be going on sale. I want to make room and get them out of the studio so merry christmas to you!
Getting creative: (finally! good to be back into the swing of things)
Creative Therapy Catalyst this week

That's me on the Disney carousel ride :) I was sporting pink l.a. gears and high water pants. sa-weet.
Journaling Reads:
d is for Dreamer
graphic art
crazy sewing lines
grunge luver
spray painter
color perfectionist
big happy messy dreamer
dream big little one.
This week belladrummer shop is sponsoring Creative Therapy's RAK (I'm giving away a couple of the swatchbooks!) so get your mojo and have fun!
and I grabbed one of the swatchbooks I made for belladrummer etsy and made this for TAIF:

my fav:


i heart sequins...(to view the rest of the book click here) play with TAIF girls!
tagged so here's 6 randoms about me:
- i fear giving birth. (have i revealed this before? still true!) don't laugh. I so do. and I know i will someday have to face the music...and that scares me.
- for christmas, i only want a giant wall to spay paint all over. no, i don't spray on public property, yet i secretly wish i could spray paint one of my own studio walls...i'll update you if i do ;P (or I'll just come over and spray paint yours ! ha
- i stink at video games. IMPOSSIBLE to win anything! i only rock the pacman game on the itouch...perfect*
- my goals for 2009: learn to knit, finish a quilt, learn how to screen printing, go back to school for some new crazy kewl skillz
- i cannot burp...hey, it's pretty random right? ;P Really really. My sister Norma and I can't burp to save our lives. It's not because we're trying to be polite, we just can't. We hiccup like maniacs though. hiccup*
- i wish i was in the amalfi coast in italy right now. or maybe even forever. yeah. forever.
thanks for the tag ali and sandra! :)
and i tag you. you're it! ha
see ya on friday for the etsy shop update!
rockin' the :)
Don't worry, I cant burp either, but I hiccup like crazy too. Really loud abnoxious hiccups. Must be a one or the other kind of thing. Have a wonderful day dear!
hi debee,
years ago, early in my career i read colin powells rules of leadership.
#9: never hang your position so close to your ego...that when your position goes...your ego goes with it.
you are not defined by a job title or any title. you are defined by how you live your life, your values / beliefs / passions.
i had to learn this lesson when i took a lay-off years ago. it made me wonder...who i was. kind of throws you for a loop a bit...doesn't it?
theresa in oc
love this post
love your positivity
love theresa's comment
love u
it's so beautiful i love this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Debee - keep on believing - it WILL all work out, and better than you could ever have hoped! And don't believe all those people who put the fear in to you about giving birth - it's nowhere near as painful as you think it's going to be and you forget all about the pain as soon as you see your child for the first time! Will pop in to Etsy on Friday - you take care!!! Con carinho, Helen
Thank you for this positive message, and keep working this way, you are super talented and really don't need a title to prove it. i will try to remember this message for myself. it should be very useful!
Awesome LO and other stuff- like usually :)
i'm so glad you opened your shop too. now i too can have pretty art. thank you sweetie.
i love your positive attitude. you are who you are not because of your job title, but your heart. your heart is full of love, faith, dreams, beauty, passion and possibilities. i love that you keep moving forward.
keeping you in prayer.
love and hugs
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