Saturday, August 7, 2010

playing in the corner again

playful & light-hearted
Happy saturday love! I wanted to say hello before mr.handsome and I head out to our farmers market for some fresh tamales for breakfast :)

So my new yarn came in. Can you spot it?

I made a few changes to my little corner yet again. I've had this yellow chair the same amount of time as my orange one. But this pretty chair hadn't seen any corner lovin'. Into the corner she went :)

New items in the corner:
Anthro "D" cup
New Anthro drawer knobs ( I love when they have them on sale :)
New butterfly garland ( this one has shimmery golds and aquas- so pretty! )
New thrift store frames ( they are making a nice home to my little peruvian lama pins.
( obsessed with lamas- how weird is that? )
New to me thrift store yellow wire case ( excellent home for balls of unruly yarn )

I'm trying to convince mr.handsome to help me paint the room back to a nice crisp white. But I haven't even had this blueish color up for a year. How long do you have to have a color up until you change it? I think it's all about what makes me happy :) I want to try some wallpaper on one wall. Maybe even an installation piece. Oh goodness, is it just me or do you think i look like a giant on that small chair in the corner? lol! eeeeeeewww my feet! oh man.

Now that my class is finishing up I am so ready for a vacation from paper. I just want to relax into this cozy little corner for some wonderful grandma time :)

long live pretty little corners



Anonymous said...

I love that pale blue. What color is it? I'd like to paint my bedroom that color :)

Victoria said...

It's true, you look like you have been photoshopped into the picture! ha! but now that you got rid of those arm padded "things", you must strike a pose and enjoy your little corner.

I'm sooo jealous!
have a nice weekend, Deb.

Angela said...

Beautiful Room! Great pic! Love all the fun colors and crafty items!

Colleen said...

You are so NOT a giant! But you are too funny!! So sad out class is over... I am going to have LOVELY withdrawls.

Unknown said...

Cute! I've been doing some grandma time while my foot is resting in a stinky cast! My crocheting has been with fabric, though, not yarn...I haven't figured out how to make anything with yarn yet. :) Love the photo, & you look beautiful, dear!

Anonymous said...

Love that little corner! How about one teal wall, and the rest a crisp white?

Cynthia Schelzig said...

This is the coolest corner!! Love pretty...
Cynthia Schelzig...a.k.a. Cynnie

Elisa said...

Debee, this is te most beautiful corner i´ve ever seen, the colours are just perfect, love the turquoise, the chair, the garland...everything, and of course you. it´s so cozy that i love to jump into my screen and see it live :)

Keshet said...

How cute are you in your little corner? Love it!

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

I love the colours in this lovely shot. Wallpaper might be fun. i always love wallpaper. xx

angela said...

That is the loveliest little corner I've ever seen. I think giving a paint color a year is fair game.

Merissa Revestir said...

Aloha Debee,
So much possibilities with your walls. It would be interesting to see wallpaper if you do choose so. I wonder what pretty pattern you will get? Either way, your corner always looks great and picture perfect!
xo, Merissa.

Michelle Clement said...

Umm...totally jealous of your lovely little corner! :) It's so bright and happy! Cuuute!

vicki grobels said...

hey D -
First time to your blog and I love love it ! Awesome work and I am really inspired by the chair and your little corner - so sweet and creative. You look beautiful sitting there - nothing like a giant would look

I'll be visiting your easy shop next ...