Once upon a time... a long long time ago. ( last july ) i received a lovely e-mail from a sweet and kind soul, Kathryn from Hotchpotch publishing in the UK about a possible collaboration. At first I thought... goodness... design cards. hmm... when was the last time i even sent a card out? :P oops. you know, i buy them and i never really get around to sending them. :)

But I initially figured it would be fun to design a few and I said yes. Then a few days later i found out i was being laid off from my job where i had worked 7 years. Even though the transition to becoming a full-time self employed worker seemed totally overwhelming... i really felt like i needed a change from the negative people and environment i had been dealing with for several years. I left that job but the negativity from the past was something that left me with little faith and confidence to create anything from a safe place in my heart. This collection almost didn't happen. Through and through mister handsome and the lovely miss kathryn always showed me they had faith in me. I'm very grateful for the kindness miss kathryn showed me. Not even knowing me, never having met me. She sent kind words my way. I was lifted to a better place. A place i couldn't get to alone. I can now tell you with pure conviction looking back now, i really credit them both with the success of this pretty range. In a very difficult time for me personally, something lovely, sweet, generous and fulfilling came out of it. That makes it all worth it i think :) And i haven't looked back, this little collection is dear to me. It reminds me to never lose hope. Move forward and the good will rise up to meet you.
My dear sweets, i give you the Bella range of 12 unique cards lovingly made to share with sweet friends. I hope this little collection moves you and sends you a little cheer your way too. Each card is full of beautiful details. I'd love to share a few of my favorites xo
The collection started with this pretty card. The picture is special as it is that of mr handsome and i on our wedding day. this card was easy. it came from a very positive place. i love him. and this my thank you mister for your happy love. xo

I love the cute mini gem placed on the ring. ( that's mr.handsome and my hand :) I kept thinking about mr handsome... he makes my heart pitter patter. swoon xo

this card was pretty fun. I love the little banner so much. I think you can never have too much paper love. :)

so this card was fun too, from the paper design, to shooting the photo ( mr.handsome and my hand again :) what a lucky guy right? he gets to be my hand model hahaa- ) to using up my paper punches. it was pretty sweet even with the added silver foil details too. I love that. I think they did an incredible job printing these.

i remember thinking how difficult it was trying to design something that best describes sympathy. this card took a bit of work but thankfully, i think it really shows sympathy doesn't have to be all sad but it can be genuine and pretty :) They added sequins to the top of the card so it has added dimension! i LOVE those sweet details so much. i appreciate the little things :)

here i was channeling my sisters. i have 3 lovely sisters. i don't know how i would be who i am without them. i love that they are each so different. I have a different relationship with each of them and it's all cool :) in fact, today i gave my sister norma her set of cards and i had to hold my little tears of gratitude back as i gave the cards to her. I thanked her for sharing her love of paper with me. She, my dear friends is the reason i got into "scrapbooking". She very well gets some credit for this little collection too :) She's a great source of inspiration and love. And she even shares her extra art goodies with me too :)
So on that note... i want to share too !
I think the world needs more kind words and what better way to share them than written inside these pretty cards. There are 12 designs and they each measure 6" x 6" in size and come with envelopes.
I would love to give away 2 sets of cards to 2 lucky readers ( one domestic and one international ).
I will pick the lucky winners this friday. I wish you a lovely day and thank you for letting me share this little collection :)
Here is how to enter for the giveaway please answer this question:
"What lifts you up?
debee...those are simply beautiful cards. really. really. you must be so pleased how they turned out.
i don't know you, but i'm proud of you.
what lifts me up? well, you mentioned sisters. i have one sister. but she lifts me up in the simplicity of being her. she laughs easily, which is very often needed in my world.
i love her so much.
What a heart felt post! And what beautiful cards and styling! Wow!
To answer your question on what lifts me up: it would be praying with my mom. Whenever I have something troubling me, I find comfort in knowing that she is a phone call away and will always have time to pray for me and with me. It is truly uplifting and comforting.
xo, Merissa.
WOW! These cards are breathtakingly elegant! I am speechless with the beauty involved here! For you not to be a card maker, you knocked my socks off! Although I am not surprised...your creative mind always inspires me. You emphasize the beauty in everything. TFS!
Your cards are amazing! What a great accomplishment... all of your hard work is paying off! They are really gorgeous. What lifts me up is being outside- sunshine, fresh air, trees, water. It never gets old :)
My little girl lifts me up with her smile and kind words.
Oh my goodness, Debee - these are amazing!! :) I have to say - happy mail lifts me up. It's always nice on a 'cloudy' day. And the sunshine. A walk by the quiet ocean is what my soul needs, sometimes. :)
what an amazing opportunity, debee, and you ROCKED it! your cards are gorgeous! any chance they will be sold here in the US? if so, please post the link for us! i am especially fond of your sympathy card, but i can see myself giving them all to friends and family! *
what an amazing opportunity, debee, and you ROCKED it! your cards are gorgeous! any chance they will be sold here in the US? if so, please post the link for us! i am especially fond of your sympathy card, but i can see myself giving them all to friends and family! i am being lifted up this week by having the motivation to cross the little things off my to-do list! *
I love, love, LOVE those cards! So amazing, just like you!
My family and friends really lift me up, but when I can't reach them across the miles then making art definitely keeps me from sinking.
Oh wow! These are stunning! I love the inspiration behind each card and the gorgeous styling!
Congrats on this wonderful collection! :)
What gorgeous, lovely cards! Wow! I'd have to say that Old Souls lift me up. I work around the elderly and their wisdom, sense of humor & positive energy really lift me up :)
Oops! I forgot to answer the question!
Being positive every single day. That's what lifts me up. Sometimes it's hard but I try to live by this quote..
"It's a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it."
W. Somerset Maugham
You must be so proud of these beautiful cards! They are truly gorgeous!
My little two year old son lifts me up every day. No matter how crappy my day is going, all I have to do is look at his sweet little face and it all melts away. :)
Beautiful - the cards are absolutely AMAZING!!! I would love to go in the draw for the set to an international reader!
What lifts me up? Quite simply its FAMILY - especially my husband and my kids and my Mum - I love time and cuddles with them <3
These are absolutely gorgeous! love all of the little details and the sheer beauty of these cards! And, you are so right....we need to send out more love out into the world and these cards are a precious way to do just that! I know my grandmother would love to receive one of these from me!
Beautiful little cards. Just so pretty. I may be tempted not to share and put them in a frame changing them out every now and then. These cards lifted me up. My girlfriends and family also get me feeling good too.
These are gorgeous!
My friends lift me up. Always.
These carsa are stunning and I'm so happy you created them! You are an inspiration!
What lifts me up... friends. Definitely. No matter now bad I feel, they make me feel better.
Have a great day!
Wow! I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful cards!! You are seriously one talented chica!! I love, love your creativity! I wish you nothing but the best in your new found endeavor!!
My sweet nieces and nephews lift me up without fail!! I love seeing their smiling faces. They always greet me with a big smile and hug!! Makes me warm and cozy!! love them to pieces!
WOW! I'm just stunned everytime I visit your blog, there is no end to your creativity and how inspired I feel everytime I look at your beautiful work. You are a true scrappin' superstar :)
My little boy lift me up everyday, I'm blessed to have such beauty and love in my life ♥
Amazing cards!!!!
Love your works and I would like to be the lucky winner :)
Big thanks from Israel...
How beautiful...the sentiments and cards are just beautiful!! You know...sometimes something or someone comes along offering you that one thing you seem to need at a crucial time (even if you don't realize it at that moment in time) and this seems to be just that type of situation! What lifts me up...hmmm...my baby's smile and giggles, breathing in fresh air, the freedom I feel when running in the early morning sun, a hug from my hubby, color, nature, the beautiful and eloquent flow of words, kindness.
OMG Debee these yummi cards!! and what lift me up? my girls!! and to be together with they!! these day are always amazing!! thanks for this chance!! have a wonderful day!! Diana
amazing cards! so neat and artsy! Luv luv them all! what lifts me up? Creativity and spending time with my hubby, be it at work or at home, simply snuggling! It's the best time and totally regenerates my spirits!!
Clouds :)
Oh Debee, those are absolutely stunning cards! So your style! I love them! Are they available to order? If so, where? Gorgeous is all I have to say!
What lifts me up why an elevator of course and I happen to be married to the most handsome kind loving beautiful-senstive elevator mechanic in the world,He will always be there for me-love dee
Huge congratulations Debee on this new venture!
The cards are gorgeous! I expected nothing less LOL
love the styling...just gorgeous!
oh Debee, your story about the cards is so moving and i can totaly relate to it!!! What liftes me up???
Nice comments from my kids and Hubby, or friends and strangers...;-)) Or nice surprises, of course! I would love to win your card set! It is so beautiful...;-))
( I am international BTW)
Those cards are really beautiful :)
What lift me up: receiving snail mail from my penpals from Finland en the UK, this 2 girls are really sweet and when I find a letter from them in my mailbox I'm like the happiest girl in the world! :)
please pick me for international!! heheh. i love the cards, they are so beautiful. two of my current obsessions are tumblr and pinterest. i love to see the wonderful things, places, people and other creations that continually inspire and uplift. thanks for the chance!
Debbe, these cards are so beautiful and adorable!!! Your style is amazing!!!
Huggin my kids lifts me up. Always.
Your cards are amazing. I'd love to win... :)
Kind regards from Spain. I wanna be the international lucky girl :P
Dear Debee, your cards are absolutely wonderful! I am always looking forward to your posts and am so inspired by your work. What lifts me up ... Having a perfect cup of Starbucks, a rainbow cookie and a magazine with perfect pretty pictures :-)
Wow, those are just beautiful...do you happen to know where they are available in the UK? Definitely want to pick me up some of those...especially the engagement one because my brother just got engaged at the weekend!
These are wonderful!
Amazing story too, a real inspiration
chaz x
Thanks for sharing such a heartfelt story. It was very touching.
What lifts me up?
1. Scripture. There's comfort and encouragement everywhere!
2. My wonderful husband of 4 years. Everytime I see his name come up on my caller ID my heart flutters, just like the first time!
3. My mom. She's my BFF!
Wow, I really love your cards and your inspiering pics! ♥
The sun lifts me up! After the cold, dark and snowy winter (I love snow too of course) I love when the sun comes out and makes everyone happier. :)
all are beautiful!!!!
what´s lift me up???
wake up in the morning beside my husband :)
thanks for being so inspiring
what lifts me up? My own Mr. Handsome and my sweet Little One :) spending time with them in the best thing ever!
My husband can always lift me up! He's so wonderful and knows what I need, when I need it:)
The cards are gorgeous! You have such talent!
That cards are really amazing!!!
My Cat lifts me, when he look at me with his eyes and his little tongue.
These are just so stunning! They made my day! (:
The little things in life lift me up. Like a smile of a stranger on a gloomy day, or my favourite song playing in the mall.
My husband most definitely. Blog inspiration, hot chocolate, dessert, magazines, baths, my pups, comedies, movies in general. Thanks for the great giveaway & congrats on such lovely cards!
Really beautiful cards. What lifts me up? Finding beauty in the every day. Watching my children (who are just amazing, they make me so so proud!). That spark of excitement when hubby comes home. A bit of quiet thinking time. Oh, so many things! Would *really* love to win these cards! I'd string them up over my work desk and soak up the inspiration from them ;)
Beautiful cards!
What lifts me up.... spring, A good movie and beautiful colors!
Your creations are amazing, always fresh and full of details! I love your cards!
What lifts me up: I like to create for my family and friends, and offer them cards, mini albums or layouts...
I am always in awe of your work so stunningly beautiful! I am lifted up by everyday by my daughter's gleaming blue eyes! She is a senior, my only child and will be leaving soon for college so I am treasuring my last months with her at home.
These cards are gorgeous.
My husband lifts me up, because even though I try to hide it when I am down he can always tell and will do something sweet.
Oh wow, how very exciting. Your cards are just too beautiful for words. I would love a little set.
My daughter always lifts me up, no matter what is wrong with me she always manages to raise hope in my heart.
You (and all of your inspring collaborators) did a beautiful job on those cards! And I love having your thoughts on some of them, as the artist who created them with so much love. My husband completely lifts me up, every day. And so does getting pretty things in the mail from my best friends. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Simply adorable!!
What lifts me up? My husband and our puppies, my almost three year old nephew, a great song, chocolate cake, having coffee with a good friend, sending a surprise gift to someone special for no special reason at all...
beautiful cards!
what lift me up?
my husband, my daughter and my son (he will born in march!)
thanks for the giveaway
rita from Italy
the minute you know where i can buy them in the states, i expect a phone call or text or email or SOMETHING. know what lifts me up? YOU. xoxo.
Oh I am so happy for you AND I get to be next to Fuentes in the comment line...sweet!
Debee these really are amazing and I really believe you will do even more great and wonderful things.
This quote really lifts me up these days, "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. Everything has a crack in it, thats how the light gets in." that and asking God for help. He never holds back on the lifting up!
having lovely things to look forward to lifts me up.....and creating.....and heartfelt kisses from my sweetie.....and love from a wonderful family : )
<3 Carrie
Beautiful cards! What lifts me up? Going out and grabbing a cup of coffee!
Debee, your cards are beautiful!! I'm thinking you should make hand-crafted cards more often....they're so, so pretty!
What lifts me up? My relationship with God, my sweet, sweet hottie hubs and a million little things like a cozy fire in the fireplace, a hot cuppa and a good book, paper crafting just for fun, etc. I could go on and on. :)
Thanks for a fun giveaway, Dearie!
I LOVE these cards! They are beautiful, Debee! Are they available to purchase in Canada? or somewhere online?
What lifts me up? tea and cookies and curling up with a good book. Or visiting my favourite blogs. But the tea is a necessity.
I love your cards and I love your question. To sum up what lifts me it is love. I used your question as a brainstorm to my need to write tonight and I posted the answer to my blog.
You have an inspiring story. I loved reading it.
I was unemployed for over a year and half and honestly, the one thing that kept me keeping on was my sweet baby nephew. I love him to pieces!
These are stunning lady! SO proud of you & happy for a project that means so much to you!
what lifts me up is the wonderful friendships I've gained over the last year. i've been so encouraged by some really sweet girls, and i feel safe again after feeling burned by people I thought were good friends...
Oh Debee, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here.. it makes the cards even more beautiful and special.. and a give away.. WOW!! YES! I would absolutely love to win your cards, they are amazing!! Thank you for being so generous!
What lifts me up?
Well.. probably the sweet little words coming from my child's mouth "I think you're sweet mommy" It always secures me that I am doing good on raising them and that they world and my life is ok with them at my side every day.
Thanks again for sharing your gorgeous work with us!
xo Danielle
These are so beautiful! I am so excited for you and so happy to hear that you have been able to move beyond that painful time in your life. Being with my family lifts me up so much, but sometimes it is the quiet times I spend alone with the Bible in hand that lifts me up the very most.
Your cards is wonderful! I enjoy visiting your blog. What lifts me up? The desire to live! My grandson!
I am Russia.
They're lovely cards... A long conversation on the phone with my girlfriend. We could talk for hours... {love}
what lifts me up? knowing that i have an amazing aunt that is there to make me smile. always.
my mom lifts me up. she never lets me forget what i deserve in life.
i really love these cards. can we buy them or do we have to be a retailer?
this post just made my day... thank you for being real and authentic and such an inspiration to me.
what lifts me up? true love. <3
These are beautiful, Debee! Thank you for the giveaway, and thank you for sharing your talents with the world. It's nice to have people who love us and edify us, no?
A chat with a good friend and now it can even be over skype.
beautiful cards and lovely thoughts
a sunny day ... always lifts me up
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