We had the BEST time at Patchwork yesterday, thank you for coming out and showing your support for handmade :) We debuted a couple of new products that I'm really excited about.
FIRST UP, notepads! I once said that I wasn't much of a list maker. Well, that's slowly changed over the start of this year. I think the trick for me is to write down a manageable list to begin with. Not the over the top "I know I don't have that kind of time", " I'm going to do everything half butt cheeked just to get everything done" list. :) I'm not a half butt cheeker lol! So I designed these cute mini jotter manila paper pads with Gold ink. Its a beautiful thing. There's space for 10 things. Kind of like David Letterman's top ten, but with a little more every day get stuff done gusto. :)

The mini's fit perfectly in planners and calendars and I think they would look pretty awesome in scrapbook pages too. I'm going to give it a go.
The larger notepads are for more doodles than lists. I'm also a big time doodler. When I used to have to be at certain meetings the only way I could keep my attention was by doodling. It really didn't pan out with my boss because he always thought I was just not paying attention lol! But I always did take good notes AND had pretty drawings so win win! I'm so glad we're not all the same. hahaa! So go ahead and doodle & list make to your hearts content. There's a special on the Gold bundle in the shop, all 4 notepads for only $17. You'd totally be set for gift giving!
My other favorite was creating a few new prints. I wanted phrases and quotes that motivate me. Maybe its the spring cleaning that I need to get done around here but its all leading me to get my act together and get things done. I love this one, "Make today count". As the days fly by it truly is a great reminder to make everyday count. So lets make it a good one yes? high 5!
And these babies: 15 new stamp designs! Over the last few months I've been making a list from requests for stamps. I'm happy to have made these from that awesome list!
Yesterdays favorite:
Summer themed stickers! Pineapples + Flamingos + Popsicles + Cactus + Sunshine XOXO
Oh I know that summer isn't here yet but goodness am I excited! especially with the flamingo stickers :) I take Rafael to the zoo and we both love those silly guys. So I drew a few and made them into stickers for you too. You can get a pack with all these designs for only $7!
And another fun product: Confetti pops & new Tags. The Confetti pops are filled with tissue + sequins + confetti & embellished with your choice of label. You can even request a custom label free of charge :) Perfect for party people yeaaaaaaah!
The tags were a bit of cheer & congrats for graduation. It all started with the tag " Good job NERD". Which is what I used to tell my little sister. She was always doing great in school and I was very proud of her but also wanted to make her laugh lol! Ahh nerds, so cool.
So I guess it's pretty obvious what I'm going to give my friends and family for graduation gifts hehee.
And today is your lucky day friends, I'm so excited about these handmade products I wanted to share a 20% off coupon code: "20OFF" all orders over $10. The coupon is good until tomorrow so have fun and I hope you enjoy the new shop goodies!
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