here's a yummy peak at 3 of my layouts ;P

A huuuuuuuuuge thank you to you lovelies for all your wonderful comments and e-mails about the chipboard album I helped design! Cannot wait to play with everyone once we all get it in april! Handsome took me out to dinner to nice to relax and not think of house hunting (still no word if we got the house or not!), sofa shopping ( oh pottery barn *slobber* :P ),dining room set purchasing (picking it up this saturday woot woot!) and even rsvp tracking ( must call everyone on my list to make sure they're coming...why don't people RSVP?!?!? grr.).
that's life for me right now. I'll be back with a full reveal. promise.
and good news! my wedding dress came in! I might just sneak a peak for you girls !!!
love love love that everything is coming together.
sending love back to you,
"Ha" - sharp intake of breath at not only the sneakies of your KR LOs (which look to be your best ever) but also the thought of seeing your dress! Best wishes, Helen
i love your sneaks!!! :) Woot for the wedding dress arrival, must be so exciting! :) happy friday girl!
yep lovin' your sneaks too D!
Joy (:
oh Debee, if I wasn't old enough to know better I might feel a twinge of envy :) instead I am so delightfullly happy for you!! so many fun, exciting, magical things happening. ENJOY!
I just checked out your gallery up at Kenner Road - gorgeous stuff again girl! You do such amazing work.
Love the sound of all these good things on your plate!! you sound so happy and positive, love it.
Brilliant Debee just Brilliant,
both the KR sneaks and your MAMBI's venture!!!!!
Lou :)x
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