So handsome and I put an offer in a couple of weeks ago on a condo we loved. We waited and heard nothing back. I finally checked the listing and it went pending (meaning the bank picked someone else) BOO. big time. But we kept praying. took time off from house hunting and chilled with our families.
SO last weekend (Saturday) handsome and I went house hunting again. We, along with our fabulous realtor and friend Liz, saw 6 condos. And we like all of them. BUT the last of the six was my fav. Newly remodeled kitchen (tons of white cabinets) granite counter tops, pretty tile, 3 beds 1.5 baths, microwave, fridge, washer & dryer included. bonus. But this time I didn't get my hopes up. Earlier that same day I read in my devotions this thought:
Any "NO" an earnestly seeking child of God receives from the throne is for the sake of a greater "YES."
Father, help me to remember in my impatience that the end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Help me to remember and understand that sometimes You lead me on certain paths to humble me also, to see what is in my heart. Purify my heart, Lord, so that I will be patient in the waiting times, and so that You will take joy in what You find.
waiting. so not my thing. I'm more like, what can I do to move things along...kinda gal.
Well, this time I let go.
I was at H&M yesterday just looking around when Liz called and asked me if I had been praying really hard. I was like YES! And she asked for what? I said for the 6th condo we had seen. She then said, "Well your prayers were answered!!!! You got the house!"
I kid you not. My reaction: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. I was the crazy girl in the store. That was me. No shame. Because dude. We are blessed. Completely. I haven't let it sink in. Not until I sign stuff. But I can tell you this, there is a HUGE sense of peace now. We are rockin' and rollin'. Wedding is coming up. And I am getting my dress tailored today. My bridal showers are in the next couple of weeks. And I bought this Anthro dress to show off my happiness.
Happy happy times indeed.
So let me share some art that makes me happy: (all Kenner Road Layouts)
My new prayer Journal cover

My drumming days keep me going

Here's a sneak peak into what our invitations look like: (the picture is a tag we made as our Save The Dates)

Mr. Handsome is much to calm for me. I think that's why I'm overdramatic? :)

A trip down memory lane to art school at UCSD. *happy days indeed*

and for the new prompt : Watercolours up over at TAIF

and a bad pic of me: pondering if i should cut my hair shorter or not.

I can't decide!!!
tell me tell me tell me...
what would you do?
Okay - so I don't know you, but totally feel your joy. . .I mean I have goosebumps! Congrats on finding your perfect house!!! =) When hubs and I went house hunting 6 yrs ago (we had 2 kiddos then), we made an offer contingent on our house selling. I had my heart set on it. They had a better offer and ours didn't sell, so we had to back out. I was soooo disappointed. Little did we know that we were preggers with #3! The house would've been too small! The Lord knew what He was doing, even though we had our earthly minds elsewhere. =) Now we are in the perfect home for our family of 6. =) Your hair looks gorgeous as is, but I think you would look so adorable in a cut that angles too! I'd go for it if I could pull it off like you. ;-) Geesh. . .I got a little long winded, eh?
Congrats on the condo! I know the waiting game all too well...we're still waiting for *that* house to show up on the market (which is overpriced and dried up around here).
Love that save the date card! It's so you! Lovely pages, too!
I just got my hair cut shorter (in the back, anyway), so I'm all for that. But I was also the girl that grew her hair out just so I could wear it up for the wedding.
hiya babes : ) congrats on the house!!! to cut or not? do you know how you are wearing your hair for the wedding? if are my visions...i love the length it is now and think that it would look so gorgeous just down and natural how you wear it every day. so maybe a liiiiitle shorter but nothing new or drastic since your wedding is so close! just my opinion....i LOVE short hair and i really love when brides wear it down : ) hugs and kisses!!
i just totally got teary eyed reading about your new home! YAY! i am SO SO SO happy for you both! i can't wait to see it! the art here is, as always, phenom. i found the canvas paper! YAY! now i need spray paints. i am following your advice, chickadee. wheee! that dress is PERFECTION for you. AND...i say don't cut your hair until you decide how to wear it on your big day. you might need more of it for whatever look you want. you're gorgeous no matter what, so BE HAPPY! HAPPY! YAY! love you.
congrats-- everything ends up working out, but it's hard waiting. sometimes it feels as if i'm always waiting, and that sucks coz it distracts from life. but when things do end up working, it is such a gooood feeling. congrats girl!
your hair is super cute, and i'm off to study your LO's to get some much needed inspo! i love your stuff, and im excited to see your MAMBI stuff in real life--it looks great.
now, go start on your house decorating inspiration journal so i can be inspired--we're moving too... ;)
best of luck--
YEAH!!! congrats!!!
i dunno about cutting your... but you are stinkin' cute any way so do what you want ;)
congrats on the new digs! I love your save the date as well :)
this makes my heart beat with joy
you deserve everything you want
sweet d
i am so so so so thrilled for you!!!
and i say cut it after the wedding ;)
Congratulations! Beautiful LOs! So pleased for you! Helen
so happy for you!! A home. wow, may it be blessed.
you are beautiful.
your layouts give me butterflies in my tummy.
Congrats on the house.. and those projects are divine.....
I love the technique you use on your layouts.
YAY! Congrats on the new condo!!!!
LOVE your wedding invites and all the other layouts!
Hope everything's running smoothly for you! I so hear you about being impatient!
I say don't cut your hair! Let it grow for the wedding! :D
Miss you sweet girl!
Congrats on the condo! So exciting!!
Love all of your layouts - your blog is pure eye*candy!
And I think I'll join the others and say.."don't cut your hair.."..
Have a great weekend!
Awesome Awesome creativity!
Congratualtions on getting your new home!!!
Dont cut your hair yet :) :)
Lou :)x
your pages are droolworthy missy
Congrats on the new home! So exciting!
I think you would look beautiful even bald!
Your projects and layouts are truly works of ART!!! I really would love to it paint, glimmer mist, ink...what is the blotches and spots on your paper? I SO want that look!!! And one of you MAMBI minis!!!!
hey hey!
LOVE the projects, you are one talented gal!
As for the hair, you're such a cutie-pie that I think anything would look great on you :) So I would say it depends on how you plan to do it for your wedding!!!
Best wishes,
Love your layouts! this is a work of art!!
love your LO, i´ve never seen this kind of layouts before. congrats on your new house, it´s so exciting to start a new life with your soul mate, I really understand what you feel right now :) your hair is perfect as it´s now, don´t cut it :)
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