It must be the chocolate covered Oreo cookies I just made :) I blogged about it over here at Kenner Road
* If I could just know for a fact these would make it to all of you without melting I would send you over some! I would :) For now, Mr. Handsome is taking over the boxes. I sent some along to share with his super fun co-workers today. I had to call him and make sure everyone got one box each not just one oreo LOL! Because he is such a sweet crazy guy he would keep them all for himself. *I can sense him grin* right about now. ha. (he likes it)

My mom first made some for our wedding. And they were a hit! She covered over 500 cookies! Crazy good :P

My studio/art space is coming together. still picking the right color aqua. It has to be perfect. I think I'm going for a lighter appeal. There is only one huge window in the studio. I just still miss my sky light. Oh with a passion. SO much light came in, it was so friendly. I used to sit under the window and count the birds that flew by. When it would rain, I would sit in silence gladly listening to the pretty rain drops tickle the sky light. And on the most beautiful full moons I would count the stars and stare up at the pretty pretty moon. I felt a peace. I felt quiet. I felt held. I cried. I prayed and talked my feelings out to the silence. I felt God listen. closer. I focused more. Wished and dreamed. I miss the sparkle of the night looking through my window. I'm following along with change. I am thankful for my little space. This picture is of the closet space turned into an art storage space. I'm slowly making it my own. Slowly looking up. Finding peace and I love it.

And just for fun, well, not really, I'm guest designing soon and needed a new head shot. Oh boy. Why do these always come out so funny looking? LOL! I really do like this shot because it's blurry.

I guess that's just me.
- d
ETA: I used this chocolate mold and purchased the chocolate bags from Michaels. One bag covers about 20 cookies. These cookies are super easy to make. Enjoy!
I love the new headshot! And the oreos look so yummy! Best of luck getting your new space together.
Umm, missy, can you please share how you covered those lovely oreos? I'd love to try this! and the new headshot is great!
looks like a great closet space to me-we just moved and i'm dying for some beautiful creative space.
well hello sweet girl.
those looks so delicious. yum.
i am seriously enjoying watching you put your home together. everything looks so lovely. thanks for sharing.
i am so glad that we have gotten to know each other and become friends.
your posts always put a big smile on my face. you have such a sweet spirit and you are never afraid to share your faith and your heart. and for course, you always inspire me. thank you, my sweet.
Debee..i love ur idea of makin the cookies....i've been thinkin wat to give for my bf's comin bday.... i think makin love cookies for him will be great.... btw his name is dee..n he called me bee..haha that makes us Urname... ...and he knows im a big fan of U! i asked him to check ur blog too...cuz u've always inspired me....tq...and yeah i love ur cookies idea....tq debee
This is not news to you I'm sure but when I stumbled into Michael's today I saw an "Us" DEBEE mini kit! Very COOL! Next time I have a coupon it's mine!! Anyway, just wanted to share!
love the new picture and the cookies look yummilicious!
you exzude (is that a word?) beauty and class. how do you do that through a blog? it's wonderful. love your sight, although i feel like a bull in a china shop when i visit.
so glad you shared those cookie molds...my daughter and i will be on the hunt!!!
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