{Little Things}

I had the pleasure of creating with their August Kit. And look at the sweet album! Oh I definitely am swooning over this little guy. I don't have pictures in it yet. I am going to stalk my sisters and take pictures of them to add to this little beauty. I took the rings that hold the pages together and undid the rings to separate and make 2 albums. The other I hope to work on something for my sister (whom doesn't scrapbook and thinks scrapbooking is handing me a bag full of photos and some jolee's embellishments.lol) and her family. For this I spray painted the side the butterfly was printed on. Let dry. Then applied rubons from the kit to the opposite side. SOSOSOSOSO easy.

I'm very much in love with the color combo they picked for this kit. The blues, the oranges and the reds are very appealing. And that Jenni Bowlin Damask paper is very pretty. I felt so bad spray painting over it. But I think I love the bold black spray paint over it just as much. I'm a sucker for spray paint. I would say something like that :)

Know what else is driving me crazy? My art studio. Oh geez. Can I cram anymore into a small space? I think I can. And I have. My Stuff consists of: sewing, crochet, fine art, spray paints, papers, embellishments etc etc. stuff stuff stuff. I can't take it anymore. Once drawers start to fill up and not close, it's time to do something. So I'm taking it a drawer at a time and letting go of tons of stuff. It makes my heart happy to be giving this "stuff" away. And I don't think twice about it. I like it when my drawers close. hehee. ( My fav thing in this layout is the crochet flower in the kit. SO stinkin' cute. I want to learn to make some really bad.
{Be BraVe *!*}

Do you ever feel you are brave enough? I generally feel like I hesitate, over think and shy away from living a life without fear. Without regret. I have to constantly remind myself to be brave. Don't worry to much. I usually feel free and lighter when I am brave. Take the plunge and fly. Even if it means just falling with style (like my friends in Toy Story). I was driving by the park recently and I was attracted to the pretty kites in the sky. I LOVE kites. I used to have a Strawberry Shortcake one when I was younger. I decided then that I needed to make a kite so this is my little one. With a bold reminder to Be BraVe*!*
{Beauty is Everywhere}

I don't think I've ever scrapbooked this picture before. It's seriously one of my favorites I took while in Santa Barbara a few years ago. Right before I sent my camera crashing to the ground. Yes. I'm clumsy. And Mr. handsome says it's quiet entertaining to watch too. But hey, at least I got this shot! The picture was too dark (because of the blacktop in the picture) so I cut around the butterfly and voila! The picture not only stood out more, but it looked brighter and bolder. I made a yo-yo flower out of the ribbon in the kit. Added a cute button and sparkly butterfly confetti and a splash of spray paint. It's like magic. Don't be afraid to cut around your subject in your photos. Give it a try :)
cool cool.
On my list for today... laundry (yay!), de-clutter art studio, make dinner (mmm... steak, creamy mashed potatoes and spring salad) learn to crochet pretty flowers (thank you youtube) and maybe shop for new jeans (how come my favs are always the ones to shrink!?)
Sending love to you on this beautiful Monday morning! And remember, get CRAZY!!!
It's now or never :)
Love it all. always, love it ALL.
If I lived closer we could become close friends and scrap together..I do know what a rubon is ;)
One of my new years resolutions was to learn to crochet. Sadly I have made 2 terribly wonky granny squares :( But I did use them in a mini ablum :)
Good luck with your "to do" list...the list that never really ends does it?
after you learn how to crochet, can you do a tutorial?! LOL!
I just absolutely LOVE your layouts! they are so beautiful, intricate, stunning, amazing and real. I just could stare at them for HOURS and try to figure out how you did what you did! I need to take a class from you on stitching, spray inks etc!!
tara pollard pakosta
p.s. I just realized I am signed in as my 9 year old daughter, savannah!
hello sweetie
i can't tell you how lovely your layouts are. they are too stinking cute. i LOvE em. all the paint and stitching. so lovely.
i hope you are having a great Monday so far.
Love your layouts, especially the kite one! Made me think back of my childhood and kite-flying days in the countryside.
Love it! So thankful to have my sister and best friend to scrap with... we are the only ones we know that do. So we are thankful for each other, I guess.
I wish I knew where my crochet needles were, I would join you! :) Love the layouts!
I have a tiny little spot to and hate when it gets "stuffed up' I was thinking about what you said about being brave Debee and I stopped and thought-by her artwork you would never know she didn't always feel brave. I think you must be!
Courage is fear that has said it's prayers.
thanks for the eye candy!!
Debee - Love, love, love your layouts. You can be crazy with us anyday. :-) I don't think you are too far away from me...hour and a half maybe. Next time Kimberly is out for a visit, you can get together with us for a crazy scrappin time. Thanks so much for being our guest designer. How lucky we are! :-)
Girl, u inspired me to take my mist to play around!! Gosh I love love love ur layouts, they're freakin awesome!! Thanks for the inspiration :)
love love love.
that's pretty much all i can say.
you are so inspiring.
gorgeous layouts!! Seriously, they brighten my day when you have new layouts to share!
i just need to say that your work is stunning & i think it is some of the very best out there right now! i can't get enough of your mad talent! god bless, sweet girl!
Amazing. Inspiring. Breathtaking. Wow wow wow.
Enough said :)
Awesome layouts! Wow!
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