Saturday, July 24, 2010


can you knock me over the head with something?
pretty please :)
because I cannot believe this:

I was checking my mail on my iphone and noticed i had a lot of new contacts in flickr. I thought, hmmm.... that's a fluke :)
no biggie. As I checked my daily inspiration reads { i heart decor8} i came across this! I was like... hmm. art as life. i know that blog. wait. what. that looks like a picture of my butterflies. and my little clips.

scrolled down further.
wait. is that my little corner?!?!

oh my goodness it is!!!
it is it is it is!

and then i sat there.

wait. what?!
blog of the week?!

And i waited. Alright Ashton Kutcher come out where ever you are!
I've been punk'd right? (Like he would have to time to punk me. but anyways.)
I had to call mr.handsome to see what i was seeing. and after he confirmed my dream i then proceeded to thank him like i was accepting an award for best actress in a little indie movie called art as life. (I totally had the sandra bullock hair and body. It was awesome. :)

(thank you holly! I absolutely am a huge fan and really enjoy your daily inspiration. I always feel like I learn so much from your posts, it's always my pick me up. So this means a lot coming from you! :) And welcome decor8 readers *waving hello* cheerio)

WOW. I'm a pretty good dreamer. But this. this is nice. It's kind of real right?
Then i realized I hadn't blogged in a while and therefore might have to give back the wonderful honor because what the heck is a good blog without update lovin'. oh but i do have some really sweet eye candy for you. *smiles*

This is what I have been up to while watching Season 4&5 of LOST.
This is multi-tasking at it's craziest.

Mr.Handsome had to continually press pause because I was going back and forth sewing, cutting etc. but he can handle my crazy. *wink* So all is good in the world. Especially with some pretty colorful twine.

{ New tags to be wrapped with pretty twine }

brown sugar

classy b&w

sweet pink

{ Colorful pretty twine in all it's loveliness }

blue dreams

red love

Sigh. I love how cheery the twine looks. It's all sitting pretty in the shop.

I'm off to finish the class projects. All the information is going to be revealed on Monday. The class will also be available for purchase starting monday morning. ( The online class is going to be $20 and the kit will be $20 - I've only made 10 kits so make sure you pick one up quick if you'd like )

capturing and dreaming.



Anonymous said...

Love this post! Beautiful photos!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

That is awesome! Congrats on that!

~The Mama Monster

the80sme said...

Gosh if anyone deserves it, it's you, you shouldn't even be surprised. I'm such a huge fan of your work and talent and personality!

Don't sell yourself short, you are a true inspiration to many and I' always thrilled every time you make a new blog post :)

Enjoy your success, you deserve it! ♥

Colleen said...

Congrats!!! I totally want one of those 10 kits. Fingers crossed that I am fast enough. :)

loveology said...

wow, that's so amazing! :0
You deserve it, because your work is truly beautiful!


Geelong Baby Market said...

Do you cut those teensy tiny doilies yourself? I love them.

Melissa Villadiego said...

Count me in as a new fav! You have beautiful work and I look forward to seeing more. :)

Denise said...

yeah Debee! congrats-so so well deserved. I have missed your inspiration and beautiful blog. enjoy your well earned celebrity!

E Makes Art said...

Yup, that's how I found you, and an now following you. congrats! You are awesome!

Keshet said...

Your blog is gorgeous, I am not surprised at all! Congrats on the feature!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You so deserve it. I have been a long time reader of Decor8 and I've been following you for a month or so. You create such lovely stuffs. Yay you!

Marie Kristl Flid said...

Congratulation Debee! Your blog surely deserves it -- as all your art! Love the things you're making and love your blog. I'm alwais waiting for new updates from you.

Once again -- thank you for the lovely items and presents you sent to me :) I'm looking forward for your class though I'm afraid I won't be among the luckiest to get a kit..

anyway.. Congratulations!!

CD Beatrice Clay said...

Congrats! I just discovered your lovely blog last week and I ceratinly concur with Ms. Holly - your blog and creations are so pretty!

Michelle said...

Oh, congrads, lovely! Much deserved!! :) And your new tags are just gorgeous - be still my heart!

amytangerine said...

this is huge! congrats!

Etincelle Studio said...

Great to discover your blog thanks to Decor 8!! it seems like i am gonna become a big fan in no time... what I have seen so far is already of a huge inspiration :)
word out from Holly was much deserved!
have a lovely weekend...

Sasha Holloway said...

Congrats Congrats SO deserved