I love a red december. I think i was channeling red and christmas mid july when I gathered these items for a mini inspiration lesson for my Inspire Lovely class. I have been known to sing a few christmas tunes during the hot summer seasons. You know, "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" at the top of my lungs AND with a twang in my voice for added measure, rockin' around the Christmas tree ( a true favorite ) or even mimic the scene sweet Kevin in Home Alone sang "White Christmas ( air comb and everything ). oh yeah. mr.handsome is NEVER bored with me around. i'm like a mini juke box or something. his own DJ if you will. he digs it :)
So back to christmas... it's just around the corner. it's kind of coming up and then it's totally going to be 2011 and i'm kind of ready for it. I've got my calendar hung and everything. This sale also brings the end to my XO 2011 Art calendars sales. I've had so much fun making these and imagining all the new homes they will be hanging in. Every studio deserves a rockin' calendar. Or even in your work space. I think it would take the boring out of the beige walls and add a little umph. So if you'd like one, there are still a few in the shop. ( I relist upon request so please either send me a convo or email if you'd like one ) I can't wait to make a 2012 one. but i'm in no hurry :)
here's to a sweet 2011
ps: thank you so much for all the shared excitement and for your support! I'm clearing things out and they are all shipping later today. I am going to be adding some of the same items back into the new shop... but you know... with a little extra somethin' somethin'. * wink* wink*
yowza! that is lovely!
Now that is a sight I would love to see! LOL! I'm right there with you. My Dad always sang to us so I feel it is my duty to carry on the tradition. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year! You have inspired me beyond words this year and I look forward to seeing what 2011 holds! Hugs from Denmark!
I have recen;t deiscovered your blog and I am really blown away by your awsome talent! Very inspiring and with that I say thank you x Merry Christmas x
Hey Debee, I was wondering if you could do a post on how you take such brilliant pictures. Is it that San Diego sun coming through several windows in your studio or what? ;) How is it that your pages are so clear and crisp even when your page has negative space and photos are small. All the little details and colors seem to be right on. I would love to be able to capture photos of my "negative space" layouts the same.
Hey! is nice to meet another graphic designer. Lovely photos ;)
One kiss from Barcelona!
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