my little book is busting at the seams. a good 4 inches thick and completely full of paper goodness & love. it's much nicer to be done though :)
and in celebratory fashion... i have some fun fake glasses. i know i've said this before but i super duper wish i used glasses. i take mr.handsome's sometimes and wear them for fun. i had waaay more fun picking his frames than he liked hahaa! oh well, i can only be a nerd with fake glasses. we had a date night out at the movies and saw Tron in 3D. it's aight. i'm sure it's obvious i loved the glasses :)

i wore them while sewing these last few pages. you know, to make everything look better ;P

{ day 17 details }
i scored big time. i love when that happens. it might not look like much but i found a few awesome cobalt blue pieces of china to add to my collection. i can't quite put my finger on why i have to collect pieces in this color. i just do. and it makes me happier. i love it even more when i see mr.handsome use the little pretty plates for his banana bread & coffee. i'm gonna pay for telling you that, but you know, it makes me swoon every time i see him with a cute plate :)

{ day 18 details }
2 years ago on december 18 mr.handsome and i said forever & always. in a mini pink courthouse chapel...full of dusty artificial flowers, so romantic. ha! i cried. i cried not from regret. but when it was my turn to say our vows... you know in sickness and in health. for rich or for poor. i cried right there. for rich or for..... poor. ha! you know the tears just came and i realized that we really were marrying for love. we are poor but definitely happy in love :) awwww..... cheeeeeesy. i know. and yet i still cried. and just for the record i manned up at our real wedding and didn't cry at all. i don't even cry for sad movies man. i'm a tough cookie like that. moving on.

{ day 19 details }
my belladrummer shop is now closed and is now being transformed into a new little shop full of more inspiring and lovely things. I hope to open back up early January featuring a few extra things i really love. some of the same... i am repackaging and enjoying this entire process. just last week i was putting some twine of the cutest spools you've seen. good times :) i can't wait to share more and hope you will enjoy them too xo.

{ day 20 details }
i like to go to meetings that involve food. one thing i don't miss from my old job were the useless meetings we sat hours in monday after monday. i came to hate mondays for this very reason. now, i tag along with mr. handsome's "meetings" and i'm their honorary co-worker. we laugh, mostly at each other :) i love that. i love these really cool friends. and the nachos are pretty good too. xoxo

day 21 details }
i can waste time like nobody's business. and here's proof :P

day 22 details }
i think i referenced my love for fake glasses already. sorry to keep referencing but i really do
love glasses. i do i do i really do. lol! what a nerd i know.

day 23 details }
my sister cindy. she's a proud mama of 2 little boys. here she is with her newest love... baby gavin. he's got her dimple. her smile and her crazy thick hair. i'm sure he smells like baby. i'm sure he makes her happy. and i'm pretty sure they are best buddies :)

day 24 details }
every time mr.handsome drives, i try to take a picture of him. in turn he gives me the "i'm serious" stare. yes. the one you see in that picture. it makes me laugh ! hahahaa! he's trying to be serious and i'm being very annoying. typical ride with the ruiz's. never a dull moment.

day 25 details }
a picture of a little chocolatey gift we gave our friends on christmas day. in return they gifted us with my most favoritist pie in the whole wide world. Nations banana cream pie. if anyone lives near one, i am SO jealous of you! really. i love this pie more than any cake or cheesecake i've ever known. it's amazing. and our sweet friends brought one down all the way from northern cali for us. it's the little things. like hanging out with them, sharing a good time. mr.handsome and i don't give each other gifts. we reserve christmas as a time to remember the hope that was brought into this world just for us. a little baby. a lot of love. and we spend time with family & loved ones sharing that. don't get me wrong i love gifts... but its these moments i remember most. my cup runs over xoxo
thank you for bearing with me and letting me share a bit of paper love. i'm not sure if i will do another december daily again. i've never really finished a mini quite like this. but after seeing it all come together and finally finished is such a good feeling. hopefully there is more lovely paper art to come in 2011
happy almost new year! (& feliz ano nuevo :)