so welcome to my studio!

This is the first view upon entering the studio. ( I of course would be waving hi to you on the right side by the desk :)

Turn to the left and you will see my cute little closet space turned into a simple craft storage area.
I like to keep my yarn in rainbow order :) I've hung some pretty fabrics I purchased from a recent trip to Purl Soho in NY. They are so pretty to look at i love peeking over & seeing them there. xo
PS: I get so many questions about the mini organizing cubby and where I got it. It's from Making Memories and I bought it at Michaels back over 5 years ago. It's one of my favorite things they've made :)
Look to the right and you will see the upcycled storage piece I scored at a local thrift store.

The cubby piece was originally a floor piece with cabinet doors. Mr. handsome took those off and painted all the pieces. (that's deep love xoxo thank you mister xoxo :) And the bottom piece was a simple vintage armoire piece. But together i think they look pretty fabulous. Like they were meant for each other :) xo

i love shopping the clearance/sale section at my local anthro. it's so nice to buy cute knobs to brighten these drawers up for less than $3 bucks. I've kept some of the original brass circle knobs just for fun and also to stay within budget :) i LOVE my puppy knob xoxo (mr.handsome again rained supreme by painting the bottom piece with a fresh coat of white paint to match the top)

all the cubby storage is really a dream come true. it's been so fun moving things around and it really helps to see what you have and use it :)
on top of the space i like to keep my collection of jars filled with spools in all shapes + vintage globe + vintage horses i scored at a local thrift shop.

they are so pretty & cute to look at :)
and inside each cubby i keep Inspire Lovely shop items on the "virtual shelves" + extra bits of things i collect. here are some of my favorites:

And finally my desk space, where i take care of all things "Inspire Lovely" :)

I've had this IKEA desk for years and i love it. it's very clean & has plenty of space for extras. I cleaned it all out though just to start over clean and now i am counting down to just how long i can keep it all uncluttered :) So far, its been 2 weeks hahaa!
well thanks for stopping by and i wish you a happy & lovely day
ps: if you have any questions about the studio i will answer them here in the comments section :)
Loving, adoring every detail of it! And great to see a little fun factor; an interior should not be too serious, right?
x Iris
Really beautiful...
Beautiful studio!
I was wondering where you get the spools?
Gorgeous studio! Every little detail is so wonderfully arranged. :) Just love it. Where did you pick up the lovely flowery mustard chair?
Hi Iris :) Thank you for your sweet comment! i definitely agree there should be fun in decorating any space. around here i like to keep things silly & fun :)
hi susana!!! thank you kindly )
Hi Lisssa, thank you !
I bought the various spools on ebay & while thrifting at my local thrift store/ yard sales. Almost all of them are vintage which makes them even more unique. :)
Hi Valerie :)
I purchased the chair from about 3 years ago. It was one of the first things mr.handsome and i purchased together for our home. isn't the fabric awesome?! i love it even still. xo
So lovely! You've got great light to work with, too. Experiencing major studio-envy over here ;)
So inspiring!
Debee, I love visiting your blog. He is so full of color and little things beautiful and inspiring! You have so much talent!
I love your sweet way of writing and I like even more of the care with which you shoot your creations!
Well, your studio looks like you, beautiful. I wonder what model of typewriter that you use. =)
Kisses for you and your baby.
awesome stuff. so much fun to look at...
Loving your craft space :) Well done with the organising and the colours coordination :)
Hi Donnaville :) thank you! the light in the studio is definitely my favorite part. i used to have a room with a skylight that would let in lots of light & at night i would fall asleep looking up at the stars at night. I know, cheesy but those are some good times :) xoxo
Kris, hi :) thank you for your comment! xo
Fabiola Rosa, aww thank you for your sweet comment! I do enjoy sharing this little space with everyone. it helps keep me accountable to keep this place clean :) hehee.
The typewriter I got free from an old job i had a few years ago. They were just going to toss it! i was quick to ask them to let me keep it and we've been together since :) She is a Panasonic KX-E700m. Not too pretty to look at but definitely has great typing style :)
Thank you for your kind words for little r, i made sure to give him a belly hug xo
Hello Faygie Fellig! *waving hi* :)
*Dream Weaver* thanks for your kind words! i had so much fun organizing or rather playing with everything :) it can be intimidating for sure but thinking of baby rafael's coming soon really pushed me to get this place all fixed up :) i'm really hoping i can keep it clean! hahaa. i will update as the studio changes for sure xoxo thanks again!
Colorful, happy, inspiring, lovely! So glad to have happened upon this at a time when I am feeling like organizing my studio too. Bonus!
Thanks for the photos of your studio!
I love to see other peoples art spaces.
Perfection!!! Love the color splashes against the mainly white backdrop!!! Really LOVE that black and white striped rug...was that also an IKEA find???
My jaw just hit the ground. That is so beautiful.
hello, i'm from the philippines, also an artist. i love your blog esp. your studio...very nice and inspiring. :D
Here from apartment therapy - great space and amazing photos!
May I ask what camera you use?
I love the ideas and i love your blog!
Wow! I saw your link on Apartment Therapy and then recognized the beautiful closet setup from MollieMakes magazine.
I love how you organize your craft supplies by color. Could they be any more drool-worthy?
beautiful room. thanks for sharing!
What a great space. So inspiring!
Studio Envy in a big way. Some day I will have space for a studio for all my beads. I am drooling over your 6 drawer storage on casters unit. I must find one or three! Please, could you tell me where you bought it?
Debra of DatzKatz
Love love your studio and the closet craft space! I am in the process of reorganizing my teeny tiny craft space (part of my closet) and wondering where you got the white pull out drawers? Thank u! You are an inspiration!
I would love to find one of those 6 drawer on casters storage units in your closet area. Where did you find it?
Where did you find your storage drawers on casters? I would love to find one.
I am in love with this, and I featured it in my blog post about organizing your craft room. It's the main photo! You can check it out here:
Wooooow, I love it!!! I need to rethink my craft space! and I'll definitely get some inspiration from yours!!! Beautiful!!
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