Last weekend we crossed one more thing off our list of things to do before little r comes. Mr. Handsome took me to a local farm to enjoy the harvest this season. We researched a few and found our way to Bate's Nut Farm. The whole way up the mountain, the scenery, the kick back schedule, it was a welcome change. i wrapped it all up and tucked it away in my heart for keeps. it was one big happy moment.

i have to admit it was pretty silly of us to be in a large place filled with families and little ones. We were the only one's there without kids it seemed. just us and our little baby bump :) We picked a pumpkin a tad bit bigger than little r :)

i had asked mr.handsome for a pumpkin and i got a golden sun shiny kiss :)

The corn maze here wasn't so lush but we made it work. It certainly made for a perfect backdrop to a snapshot of what i like to call my "super pumpkin mama look". *cheesy* yes, i know. thanks to the mister for being patient with me :) I was going for a happy baby bump + mama + pumpkin photo. i think little r is going to love picking our pumpkin next year. I'm so excited! i can't wait to toast up the pumpkin seeds & make some pumpkin bread this weekend. yay :)

and just because i'm so darn silly and i do love to share a good laugh (even at my own expense) a story about my la la moment while at the farm: so with all our research i remember seeing various farms offering a variety of treats; apple cider, hot chocolate, caramel covered apples, apple pies, cotton candy and even pumpkin pie... and for some reason i remembered the pumpkin pie. It got stuck in my head (actually my craving tummy :) And when we got there i kept asking mr.handsome where the pumpkin pies were. he kept giving me this blank look like what are you talking about?! we went to the ticket booth to buy our tickets and i kept looking around hoping to find the lucky pumpkin pie stand and nothing. i turned to the mister and he was talking to the ticket lady and she mentioned pumpkins and i said quickly oh yum! pumpkin pie! and she then gave me a blank stare... i get those alot :) hahaa. and the mister knowing i was going crazy just kept the conversation going about where the pumpkins were etc... i once again asked so the pumpkin pies are over there? and i totally pointed and everything and then both the mister and the lady stared at me with there "crazy lady face" stare. the mister paid our tickets laughing and turned leading me to the pumpkins to pick and told me i was the craziest pregnant lady he knew. i must've been craving a slice of pie and that's all i had on my brain :) nope. no pumpkin pie at the farm. what a let down. but we laughed it off anyway and the next day he came home with a big pumpkin pie just for me... which i'm happy to say i have enjoyed a slice each say since. xoxo.. one for me and one for the baby :)
so crazy pregnant lady i am... the end.

another thing i've been crazy about is making huge crochet flowers to pin on my coats :) I made the one I am wearing in the harvest photos a while back. Back when we went to mr.handsome's grandmothers funeral. i wanted to wear something pretty in her honor. and i knew she loved to crochet etc so i made the large flower to embellish my dress i wore for her funeral. i think she would've liked it :) and since then i've been making them to give to family & friends xoxo.

especially during this gift giving season ahead of us. i think they would look great on some lovely friends xo.

lots of pretty colors to choose from available in the shop. I hope you like them too :) i've been wearing them on my sweaters even though it still is pretty sunny and warm around here. i can't wait to wear them around a scarf & my big winter coat! so excited :)
i hope you find some time to get out and enjoy a little bit of pumpkin pickin' and some pumpkin pie eatin' :) i'll let you know how everything goes with the pumpkin cookin' :) ps: if you have any favorite pumpkin recipes you think i should try i'd love to hear about them, pretty & please and a big thank you :)
happy times to you
-d & her baby pumpkin :)
Love the pics in the pumpkin patch. You are such a beautiful mommy to be :-). This "crazy" thing is going to get worse. Here we call it mockingly " breast feeding dementia" ;-).The short term memory is somewhat off after giving birth but that will pass eventually ;-). Love the crochet flowers I've been making some for awhile, too. Best wishes - maks :-)
You are so cute! I miss going to the pumpkin patch so much! They don't have them here in Denmark and I don't think we are even going to find a real pumpkin. :-( In GA they always had pumpkin pie and boiled peanuts. yum!
off yo check out the flowers, love them! you look gorg preggers! :) xo
You are adorable! I came to you through Dawn McVey and I'm so glad she sent me here. Living in Miami makes it hard to appreciate things like pumpkin patches, corn mazes and all things Fall...but it sure is sweet to share stories from others out there. LOVE your blog. LOVE the crochet flowers. They are beautiful and so is your little family. Little R is going to be a very happy baby.
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