i hope you enjoy the eye candy xoxo
i google searched the royal flag & created a little mini flag version in photoshop to make the little flag. I simply free styled the cut and wrapped the flag around my pinkie to create the wave flow effect. added a little double sided square to the back left side of the paper flag & wrapped it around a wooden tooth pick. simple & sweet :)
i thoroughly enjoy a good upside down pine apple cake. my mama makes the best. :P
i love the vintage style plastic flowers so much. while watching the royal wedding i found myself wishing to dress up in a pretty hat. when i was looking through my baking stash i knew this little pretty flower would be a wonderful "royal hat" topping off a very dainty cupcake. xo
and sometimes there are no words to express how much i love my own prince charming.
i love that he makes my wildest dreams come true ( napoleon dynamite joke here)
for putting up with self portrait photo shoots his crazy wife insists are SUPER important and necessary while random people watch 1001 takes.
totally understands my need to bake a whole box of cupcake mix for just the 2 of us and not on a birthday. plus having to eat said cupcakes for breakfast lunch and dinner for the next week.
and coming home hungry yet waiting on me patiently to eat dinner together even though my impromptu photo shoot ( of cupcakes no less :) took longer than expected.
setting up the tv upstairs in our bedroom ( i hate tv's in bedrooms... except on royal wedding days :) and staying up at the butt crack of dawn to watch a wedding we were not invited to together.
never mind he went to work without a long nap. i took that for the both of us. *smiles* i love this man. as much as i love naps xoxo
good times
i've got extra cupcakes... come on over :)