Happy monday :)
i hope you had an amazing weekend. i did. i managed to pause and take a break. a nap even ;P ooooh that felt gooooood.
all refreshed and bushy tailed.... ready to rock and roll!
On thursday i had made some cookies for mr.handsome's co-workers (they are totally the BEST). so i picked them to be my valentine's because i'm a firm believer is such cuteness and well, i work by myself so i can't very well be my own valentine right?! hahaaa!
i had to package them in the cutest stuff so i used this month's Kenner Road kit to embellish the boxes i put the cookies in.
These are for the girls:

and even the boys got a little cute xo:

so off went the mister with a bag full of goodies.... i wonder how he feels giving away such cute stuff. and still be all manly? hahaa! ahhhhh... i love that man. sigh*
looking back through last year's photo files i came across some pictures i took of my 30th birthday. i felt so happy looking back on that day i just had to make a really sweet page about it. The day was filled with fresh sunflowers ( our wedding day flowers), handmade paper garlands, and pom poms, my favorite strawberry & banana cake from my favorite chinese bakery ( i had them draw a big red heart on the cake, it was the prettiest! i think that's all i want on my cakes from now on!) and of course i was surrounded by my favorite people : family and friends. LOVE!

I think this is my favorite page because:
the pennant garland
crazy sewing
a dainty doily managed to make it into the page :)
crazy spray paint splatters
and the cute butterfly & buttons framing the photo
i was also going through my wedding photos and found one with me and my dad... aww... he looks kinda sad. he was walking me down the aisle. ready to give me away.

another happy day for me and the mister.
that ribbon is the exact ribbon that i bought to wrap my bouquet for my wedding. how cool is that? it also came in the kit. i totally think that it was meant to be. i saved the ribbon from my wedding and have always wanted to do something with it. so happy with this.
and just because sometimes art needs a place to live... it settled here, on this fun page.

i just started cutting a few triangles. the pretty bright colors are so simple and sweet. i had seen this all over the design world and wanted to experiment with it. so i sewed triangles, i splattered spray paint and added the funky triangles all over the page. and of course it goes with the picture. a photo i took back in collage with a large format camera, and some multiple exposure shots= fun times.
so thankful for making time to add art to a page.
let it happen :)
Pretty, pretty stuff! I love the wedding photo. And those packages are just so sweet! Have a wonderful day!
those treat boxes are super sweet...it always makes such a big difference when things are wrapped super cute!!!...your wedding pic is beautiful and your art page is awesome...love your work!!..have a happy day!!
Loving the cute little boxes...
lovin' all these lovely things you've been creating lately!!!
happy tuesday!
not only do your posts make me happy... your art does as well. i STILL let out a big *sigh* whenever i see a creation of yours.
that's all. :)
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