Have you ever made something and given it away as a
I made a
Baby Girl banner for a friend of mine recently. I don't usually give away
scrapbook stuff that I make. I'm a little too embarrassed to give anything I make to anyone besides my family. My poor familia! HA! I think they sometimes would rather settle for a gift card or something store bought. hehee. Oh but my excuse is that I make things from my heart. Often times, I end up loving the gift and it's hard to actually
give it away!!! That's kind of sad. I do give the present away, eventually ;)

Well, my friend Sonia told me a few months ago she was pregnant with a baby girl! I was so delighted, mostly because of God's provision for her and her family. They had been praying for another beautiful baby. And yes, the Lord has proven himself faithful! So excited for her, I rushed and made this banner/booklet. After I finished it, I think it took about a day. SO exhausting!!! I hung it up in my room and just took it all in. My first banner. My first gift I was planning to
GIVE. I kept asking myself why I had done a banner etc., and really had no reason other than it seemed like a great idea at the time. So now, months passed...and then finally came the time to give it away. Oh my goodness, I was so embarrassed!!! I didn't want to give it away. I loved it, yes, but would she?! I was wondering if maybe I should run out and buy her an album instead, and I did go to the store and found one. But I didn't buy it. I couldn't. I bought a BEAUTIFUL damask box for it instead. Oh my, that box is so gorgeous! I hugged it and didn't let it go all around the store!

So finally, I gave it to my friend. I added envelopes on the back of each letter, so she could put her baby stuff in it. And the box is perfect enough to hold the entire banner as a booklet & other cute baby things. Still a little nervous that I actually GAVE it away. But, my dear friend was gracious and really enjoyed the gift. It made me feel very happy inside, that a little bit of me will now be happy in their home. :) I can't wait to see her baby girl! She's special to me, for sure.

This is the end result :)