Jen said...
Ok... I just used this page and it is totally awesome! I would love to have quick pages like these to digital scrapbook with. It is totally my style but I can have fun without the mess on those "can't get the paint out" days. You should totally think of selling some of these in your etsy shop! Hugs!first off Jen, I LOVE your digi page you made with the free download!!!
So happy it worked out for everyone :)
It's my first free download and hopefully not my last *hint*hint*wink*
as far as selling some digi goodness in my ETSY, i think i might just sneak in some pages. Thank you for liking them and for your encouragement! I love designing and feel like it really does make me happy to make something that i love and you really like :)
it's perfect for us all! yay!
I totally know what you mean about having fun without the mess. we have a backyard with bricks splattered all over with paint *oops*
and of course my carpet. oh my.
I was at michael's and i walked into the martha section...
I guess they have a "kit" section in the same aisle and i FOUND MY 8X8 SCRAPBOOK KIT !!!!
i partly designed this kit for MAMBI about a year ago ( can't remember, it was a while ago)
It comes in this package:
insert cheesy photobooth pic:

and most of the pages come with paint splatters all over them :)

my fav:

It's called Debee- Us and it's $6.99. so just keep that in mind next time you have a michael's coupon :)
i think it's worth it :) especially if you want to try the paint splatter style without the fuss.
I'm such a bad influence. i know. alright infomercial over. (yikes! sorry)
Naomi said...
I love this page!!! Did you use spray paint to create that effects? Or did you just use a mister like maya mist? Also the droplets how did you do that and what do you use? Im so curious i just love your style!!!Hi Naomi! Thank you for the sweet comment! I did use black spray paint ( i use black matte & glossy spray paint ) to create the splatter effects. To make the droplets I just lightly press on the spray nozzle so just a little bit of paint comes out. I just play around with how much pressure I use to spray the paint over my page. easy peasy!
Natalie said...
I could look at your stuff all day. Lovely colour combinations, beautiful graphic designs. Just amazing!
I am curious to know what punch you've used for those doily/flower type shapes? The one you made the mini-garland out of?Hello Natalie :) *blushes* thank you for the sweet comments, you are too nice!
hmm.. okay, i know I bought it from the Martha Stewart line. I think it's called "Medallion". I bought mine at Michael's ( yeah, i practically live there)
funny tid bit, during college i used to work there. hahaa. just for 3 months. and i never bought one.single.thing. srsly.
oh yeah, i know someone also asked about the circle punch i always use.
it's also from Martha Stewart and it's called "Starburst".
certifiedpaperfreak said...
hello love
you know how much i love your kits. they are so easy to put together in a snap.
quick question. do you use an actual typewriter on your pages or is it a font?
have a happy Valentine's day!My sweet Sandra xo,
I inherited a very old panasonic KX-E700m from a previous job. The typewriter is not pretty to look at but i can pretty much fit anything up to 16 inches in width through that baby and type my heart out! it's pretty useful when i want to add journaling to my pages. It takes up SO much desk space and it's SUPER heavy and i ran out of the corrector tape, and cannot for the life of me find more cartridges for it ... but until the ink runs out, she's a keeper. :)
Rose said...
here's my 'pretty much anything' question ;) who inspires you?Hello Sweet Rose :) *waving hi*
i come from a traditional art background. i would've loved to have been a painter. or even just an animator. but even back when i first discovered the following creative painters during art school, i knew i would not be the same. They inspire my paintings, graphic designs and even art journaling to this very day. I have a few favs that hold a special place in my heart as far as inspiration...
marc chagal
Pablo Picasso ( i once named a beta fish after him :)
gustav klimt
they all speak to me. visually, emotionally. i love the essence of their art. so peaceful, beautifully detailed and emotionally charged. that's my kind of art. it provokes. it fills a little void of happy in my heart.
what's inspring me now...

i want to live here.
i have yet to make a trip to peru, or bolivia or istanbul... but i have this urge, this "home" feeling when i think and see anything that has to do with these places and people.
i want to dress my babies like this:

i kid you not. LOVE

i am drawn to them in such a way i know something good will happen and someday i will be able to visit these fairy tale places. That's what they are to me. Mr. Handsome and i are actually planning on a trip to peru maybe this year to celebrate our first anniversary ! keep your fingers crossed for us! we didn't have a honeymoon so this is it :)
i love lamas. *kiss*kiss*

i want to dress with this.

i sometimes feel like i was meant to be born somewhere else. hahaa. i'm a foreigner. and i have a mission in life to fill up a passport. and before i'm too old to enjoy it. i have only 20 more stamps. :)
so that makes me visually happy right now. i know. you were probably expecting something more spray painty and splattered. but this is my eye candy... my happy. it keeps my creative spirit on fire. *sizzle* ;P
thank you for your questions!
have a terrific tuesday loves!