Hi lovely,
I'm in a pink whirlwind as of late. I am loving pink against all things black & white. We recently started craft time at home with little r and bought him his first set of markers. I simply laid down a huge paper pad before him and this is what he came up with. Now, he's no Picasso but as an art loving mama, I mean the kid has potential in the modern abstract movement ;) I of course kept the sheet of paper and had yet to decide on where to display or store it. My dear friend Jamie on Instagram asked to see my favorite pink. Well this is it! I added a few Christmas touches and viola, the only thing decorated for the season in our home. Not to "Christmasy" but i'm loving it. :)
The only thing Christmas like that I have been doing is sending out Christmas cheer by way of these pretty little tags (also hot pink , my fav ;) to a few new Paper loving friends. Sending parcels not "work"related is a big thing for me. I definitely want to work on that in the new year. Send "just because!" packages to my loved ones throughout the year. How fun is that right?! Gotta do it. and I did for this year :)

And speaking of work, here's a custom order package I dolled up. I kind of get a little carried away in respect to "too much" but just thinking about someone receiving this from the shop and adding a personal touch I think means a whole lot :) ( Things I used from the Shop: Doilies + Gold silver foil Stickers + Gold shimmer twine )

Next up, a new style of packaging: stamped Kraft bags. I'm really loving the creative freedom with these. I simply stamped the images almost in a polka dot pattern. And look at that little cutie & his antlers. XO. I have no idea why I'm loving those but obviously thats a theme here huh? lol! ( Things I used from the Shop: Kraft paper bags + Merry Merry Stamp set + Manila tags )
Another theme I noticed is black + gold + white & a pop of color. I mean I did buy a few things that were red to decorate with earlier in the season but i have yet to use them. I am currently loving this combo. Simple. Not to seasonal. easy :) I love easy. especially when time is of the essence and you literally don't have enough time to get everything done. I get stressed when i have a ton of stuff to do but i never want to half heartedly do anything. I know I won't be happy. So i take my time and simplify. even if it takes me a little bit longer :) This took less than 5 min to gather & package. bingo. now time to wrap more presents !I stamped on the cloth bags for my custom "wrapping"and really love it. I can't stop stamping everything in sight now lol! (Things I used from the Shop: Merry Merry Stamp set, Gold sequins, Manila Tags, Glassine envelope, Cloth bag )
And last but not least ...
Stocking stuffer sale*
Stuff your stockings for less :)
*All orders ship next day. Sale ends Sunday at midnight*
So there ya go. Christmas inspiration & cheer in small little packages + a fun sale.
Now I'm off to buy a few things for a few of my "hard to buy" loves on my list. I see lumps of coal in the future ;) hahaaa!
jk mom & dad.
just kidding
just kidding
Happy December lovely