I know this is a tad bit ridiculous, but on my way to work I stopped by Starbucks to pick up breakfast...mmmm yum. And while I was there I suddenly felt the caffeine induced rush to be generous... ;0)
i love treating friends and family to starbucks so here I am treating 3 of you dear friends to a $10 starbucks card. ( At random of course) You might be thinking, "10+10+10=30!" And yes you would be right. But I am celebrating my birthday in 10 days ;) and I will be 29. 1 year shy of 30 and I wouldn't have it any other way. So get crazy with me a little and celebrate early! HA! I LOVE birthdays!
If you love starbucks or know someone who does just leave a comment with the answer to this question:
What is the most useful gift you’ve ever been given?
easy peasy indeed
or just say hello
so cheerio and
love ya
*waving really high with both hands* hi debee!! i would love a starbucks card! :D
and to answer your question: the most useful gift i've ever recieved was my new car. a gift from my husband. go to my blog and check out how pretty she is! :D <3
Hi Debee! I just found your blog a few days ago and I think you are lovely! Such talent and passion for art (and scrapping, which I also love)...and you're such a sweetheart too!
The most useful present? Hmm, I suppose (realistically and practically) it was back when I was in 1st Year University, living in dorm, and the mother of my boyfriend at the time gave me 2rolls of quarters for laundry...nothing special, but I never had to scrounge for change! :)
you are so sweet!!! 10 days to celebrate awesome!! we will have to have a chatfest! :)
the most useful gift for me was a breadmaker my sister gave me. homemade bread is the best and makes the house smell so yummy!
have a great weekend!
Hi Debee,
How fun and Happy BIRTHDAY! I love that you are celebrating early. The most useful gift, hmmm...probably the luggage set I got for my 18th birthday. As a high school senior I was LESS THAN thrilled to receive LUGGAGE for my BIRTHDAY, but it has definitely been USED!
Happy day!
for a wedding shower gift i got a whole laundry room set up including: an ironing board, iron, tide pen, bleach pen, a bottle of tide, dryer sheets, fabric softner and a bottle of bleach. it was amazing and we totally used the heck out of it.
waving !!!!!!
Useful things...mmmm...my hubby bought me a web cam so that I could chat with my sister and my nephew in Holland - my nephew is slowly get used to the fact that I can see him from England and I get special camera kisses!!!
Would love to nominate my sis cause she is a starbucks-a-holic but then again so am I !!!!! We are good at sharing though !!!!
Have a fabbo birthday....may it be filled with love and fun things :o)
Starbucks is great! they just started serving oatmeal, how awesome is that!
my favorite and useful gift was a brand new 10 speed i got for my 10th bday. i was finally able to ride my bike to school, so it was great to have a new one to show off!
recentlty found your blog and really like your style! have a great day!
you are so dang cute.
i would say my most useful gift was my mom teaching me how to crochet. sounds random, but then i started making arm warmers, which started a little business called amy tangerine.
enjoy your weekend darling
10 days!!
the 15th is a glorious day to celebrate miss D. ;)
my most favorite gift was the little tourquoise bracelet that my man gave me 9 years ago. i have never taken it off since then, ever. a constant reminder of him, us and all we have become and will be.
i miss you.
a helluva lot!
Happy Happy Birthday(early)! I hope that it is a super sweet day for you....just sweet enough, though. ;)
I think the most useful gift I've been given was for a wedding gift, one of my parents' friends gave us a laundry basket full of shower gel, towels, listerine, toothpaste, q-tips, and so forth....My husband still talks about it over 2 years later as the coolest gift EVER!!! It was nice, though, because we both lived with our parent's up until our wedding, so we weren't necessarily used to buying all of that "normal" stuff. :)
Anyways, thanks for your sweetness. Have a fun weekend!
How cool is this giveaway!!! I'm coming out of lurkdom and waving both hands....
I will also be having my birthday in ten days....
Virgo's are the best...
The best gift I have ever received....hhhmmmm
probably when my husband bought me my sewing machine....I LOVE it....can't stop using it....
Have a great weekend!!!
Oh my Debee! haha way to bring out all the lurkers! ;)
I think my most useful gift was my laptop. I got it for my highschool graduation five years ago... and I'm still typing on it right now! :)
happy early birthday!
my most useful gift..
either my laptop or my pampered chef pizza stone!
oHHHHH! I am waving, jumping, more waving and more JUMPING so you can see me!!! ;)
Most useful present was the one "from me" "to me": my canon EOS camera!!! looooove my camera!
happy early yay! you've already bought me coffee, lovely, so i owe you one. ;) your bday snuck up on me! i just put a few atcs in the mail to you and now it's time to get busy on a little something else. YAY!
Happy Birthday! I love birthdays, so it is only fitting that you should be able to count the days, celebrate in advance...that kind of thing. One of my most useful gifts was my laptop- I use it for school, blogging, writing, the whole works. I was also given a new bed as a graduation present- with a vintage white metal frame- so beautiful, plus so comfortable! Have a great celebration- live it up!
i heart starbucks :)
my most useful gift would actually be a tie between 3 items my dear hubby gave me this year: my MacBook Pro, my Digital Rebel and my iPhone. i absolutely love each and every one of them and put them to use all day, everyday!
Happy birthday early!! I will be 29 in December, it feels weird to be on the verge of thirty even though I know its going to be good.
The most useful gift I was ever given was...............my Ipod from my parents. I use it when I travel, especially on my commute to and from the city. I just could not live with out it!!!
Waving madly!!!
Your coffee addicted Aussie mate Lou :) :) :)
The most usefull gift...I'm a popcorn junkie so my mom got me an old fashioned "Whirrly Pop" stove top popcorn maker, and it makes the best popcorn ever!
the most useful gift? my digital slr, i use it everyday...i love it and to me, the most important thing is to document my life and my childrens lives!
happy early b-day!
Golly gosh.. the most useful gift I've been given?? Mmmm.. this is kind of tough.. but I think I'll go with my pink Kitchen Aid mixer that my DH bought me 2 years ago. I'm addicted to cupcakes YUMMY.. and Starbucks.. fancy that.. LOL.
Wow I'm 10 years older than you.. I'll be 39 in October. I don't know where the time has gone.
I've got myself hitched and had 3 boys with another one on the way in those 10 years though.. So look what you have to look forward to. :0)
You will rock at being 29! I hope it is amazing and fun for you. I feel old at 35 sometimes, so enjoy 29. =)
As for gifts...I love simple things. Simple things that show the giver really 'gets' me. Like a handmade journal a friends gave me once. Or the 'fake flowers' my hubby gave to me because he knows I feel frivolous with fresh flowers. But I think of all the gifts I have ever received, the 'most useful' are those which include time spent with loved ones. I'd rather have a quiet evening watching a dvd with hubby than an expensive necklace...that sort of thing.
And you...you're already showing your talent for gift-giving here in the form of coffee cards. That's so cool.
Happy early birthday!
ummm... I'd have to say my car... especially since I went to college out of state. ;o)
my first digital camera...it ignited a passion that is neverending:)
loves pretty girl!
hey debee....check out our blog...ive given u an award...i love ur blog very much...my everyday waffle-stop :o)
you are so very generous debee c.
don't add me in though, because i'm international.
whoever gets is a lucky duck.
The best, most appreciated and useful gift I was ever given was from my best friend about 3 weeks after I had my little son Merrik.
He refused to be put down so I carried him EVERYWHERE and did not get a single thing done...because I only had one arm...and could not bear to put him down. My thoughtful friend gave me a Baby Bjorn...that thing got me through the first 9 months of his life relatively unscathed. HA!
Thanks for such a generous giveaway...and happy happy early almost 30 birthday to you!
hello...starbucks? i think yes.
my most useful gift is the camera i got for my 16th birthday last year! i love it.
best present ever....my camera. no question about it. :)
a really big scrapbooking tote that has wheels - i take it everywhere!
what a great idea!
you don't need to include me either!
i just wanted to say hello ;)
maybe i shoulda done this on my b-day...then i really would've seen who reads my blog! ha!
you are lovely!
have a wonderful up and coming!!!
hi D,
You sure are very generous. Don't add me either because:
a) i am very late to answer!!!
b) there is no starbucks where i live - which has been very difficult to bear since i am a starbucks addict!!!
the most useful gift i have ever received is my washing machine. i live in the middle of no-where doing some fun missionary work. i had to do without a washing machine for a little longer than one year and only then i realized how lucky the 'civilized' world is to have what it has. anyways. thanks to whoever invented my washing machine for i no longer have to have blisters on my fingers!
love x
PS: i love your blog + i'm a september girl too! so, i'm definitely celebrating with you!
you are just too sweet!
hmmmm...my most useful gift would be my Rebel xti last Christmas. I have definitely gotten my money's worth outta that baby!
Happy early!
Hi Debee
I don't want to be in on your give away. I just wanted to send a big wave and say hi. I've been reading your blog this morning trying to catch up on whats going on in your life.
I loved your video. I'm going to make a banner when I get home.
I hate my toes too, which is really funny because my avatar is a picture of them. My favorite flowers are peonys and my favorite color is yellow too (you probably already know that yellow is my favorite color though).
Keep dreaming and collecting favorites for your wedding.
I love all your new pages you've put up. (i'm so far behind on leaving comments)
Happy early birthday and have fun with Mr. Handsome at your favorite Italian restaurant.
lots of love to you
Okay, so, you said 'useful' right? Here it is... the most utilitarian gift ever... my husband got me a new vaccum for Christmas a couple years ago. Lucky for him... and for me... he also gave me airline tickets for a trip to Hawaii for us. LOVE your work. So artistic and authentic. Take care, Alisa
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