here: Dare 113
be bold
be beautiful
i need to do more dares. lately I've been feeling like I don't step outside my shell enough. My comfort zone. Myself. It's been tough making changes and one thing I really really need to work harder on is daring myself more. To not get comfortable. To not stop changing. To believe more in myself. For me. I always put other people before me. It's just a natural thing. But anyway... so far change has been quite surprising and equally challenging but I have NO regrets. You learn so much along the way. I feel if I had just done this sooner I would've been at a better place now. Live and learn right?
So on the appearance side, I wish I believed exactly what this prompt/art says.
I wish i didn't have to wear makeup
i wish i could just believe the inner beauty was all that mattered.
i hate being
so vain
My week of vacation is coming up in November and I hope with everything in me that I can be brave enough to not wear makeup. Not for a single day that week. HA! I can just see people freak out. ;P I totally admire people who look "natural". I hate worrying if my mascara smudged. :( It just seems ridiculous! The things we do as women. Crazy.
So to add to the change, the blog needed some personal attention. New banner. Yes a little less colorful but right now that's just how I feel about things. Not in a bad way. It just feels real to me right now. It's a season. It will pass.
And as promised, my little project I was working on. LOVE that stamp! And I'm not a huge lover of stamps. But this one, seriously. Love. I decided to play alittle. I don't have a lot of art hanging on my walls. Is that weird? And I very rarely make anything home decor. But I had this little frame I picked up for a quarter at a thrift store and thought it'd be perfect for a home project. Then add some Kenner Road lovin' and ta dah! I sewed through the ribbon because it's actually 3 small pieces and I refused to throw them away. Then added the red swatch for the heck of it. I heart this.
Speaking of home. I really am obsessing over simplifying around here. I went back into the studio to de-clutter some more. And I have a drawer full of paper I wish to no longer have sitting around. I was making some of my "Move forward" style books and thought I might sell those in a very artsy Etsy shop. Just wondering if anyone would be interested? I don't just want to give the paper away. I want to make something like art cards, journal books, etc with them. So that's the plan man. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now. And with the holidays coming up real soon, I totally think they'd make for some fun presents. I love getting artsy stuff. Talk to me. Let me know what you think :)
Coming up...
-a happy week to you
-some more art to show "creative therapy" wise
-art journaling
-and yes, spray painting is a must
have a marvelous monday sweet friends
I love your dare!!!! :) woot, I can't wait to do it and I have a new make-up fav so I am going to make a layout about that. hope you had a great weekend, vaca's are always nice and refreshing!xo
ps, love that chair stamp. so cute and I would love to see an artsy etsy shop from you! :)
hi from france! your blog is fantastic....I loooooooove yor style
etsy = yes.
you making things = yes x 2
nor cal vacay in nov = priceless! ;)
I'd def. buy a book like the one shown - set up on Etsy ASAP pllleeeeeaaaase!
ack! this post makes me have thought overload. i had lots to say but it all flew out of my head when i saw the chair hanging. holy moly. can't wait to see you! (tell me when it is again! i forgot!) xoxo.
Etsy is a yes! Love the "home" hanging. Love the Dare layout.
Peace out.
Unique, meaningful style! And I love it! Just being you is enough. We are always trying to please everyone else and we need to sometimes remind ourselves to STOP and remember ourselves. Thank you for the reality check! Love your blog and this post! :o) Cheri
Thanks so much for this post. I really needed to hear what you said today. You are beautiful, and I'm sure that you're just as gorgeous without makeup as you are with. That LO is beautiful, too. :) Hope you have a lovely week!
A friend, do me a HUGE favor, I DARE you to stop being so FABULOUS..girl such inspiration .. love ya
fantastic, as always! good luck with all your home projects!
Love your blog, very inspiring, from the frozen north! Near Fargo...actually Moorhead, MN though. Keep on being you! You are beautiful, even I am sure without makeup!
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