Just stopping by to share some happy news with you!
My Etsy shop, belladrummer ***edited*** is NOW OPEN
Woot woot!
Ha...can you tell I'm excited?!
I have 5 art journals going up (3 are already reserved) and some journaling tags ready to add artsy touches to your layouts/art (or even use as gift tags). Complete with spray paint, crazy sewing and of course houndstooth. ;P
I will be giving away 2 things just to get us in a happy mood to shop :)
I'm giving away this:
and this:
so leave a comment for your chance to win (internationals welcome :) and I'll pick a winner soon!
coolio sweets
see ya tomorrow
omg! i am so excited you now have an Etsy shop! your work is so beautiful and inspiring! yay i cant wait!
Your work is beautiful, can't wait to see what you put up in your shop! Best of luck :)
Can't wait to see the eye candy you plan to offer up in your Etsy!
YEA for giveaways! :D
yay i was the first one to heart your shop! (i'm madame cupcake hehe)
can't wait to see what you're going to be selling!
Wonderful work Debee. It always gives me a big smile.
I absolutely love the art tags in the second picture and can't wait to see what you will have in your store!!
Your etsy is going to ROCK! Very excited to see it! :)
Ummm....First of all, I *heart* houndstooth. I love your stuff, and I love u. :) So, I think I should win.
i was thinking about how talented you are and how you should really open an etsy shop and i am so glad you are opening one! best of luck, i know it will be such a huge success!
and giveaway, hurray! <3
{ danni }
Debee, yipee! You must be so excited! Can't wait to see your work on Etsy, and can't wait to get my journal - yay!!!!!!!!! Helen
I am coming out of my stalker mode and leave a comment here! I just wanted to let you know that I love your artwork and all the scrapbook you do. Will be looking at your etsy tomorrow! Thanks, again. Malou
Can't wait to see your shop - yay, how exciting!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
A big YAAAYYY for your shop, and YAY for the giveaway! Love your stuff!
Wow - what a great move! New stage in life, you could just sit back and take one thing at a time (a wedding is enough) but good on you Debee - you always embrace the life that is right in front of you.
Good on you for your inspiring bravery!
Luv Bindi
I really love your art so i have to leave a comment here ;)
Congrats your etsy shop!
i'm a huge fan! =)
I am in! Would love to be one of the lucky ones :-)
Hi Debee,
This is so exciting!
I'll be @ work but, thank goodness I don't have a meeting scheduled for 12:00pm!
Love your work!
Theresa in OC
congrats! can't wait to see your gorgeous journals :)
absolutely gorgeous!!! i love your work, you are incredibly talented and your creativity is so inspiring! plus you are a fellow san diegan, so what's more to love? hehe. congrats on the shop, can't wait to check it out!
-dain (frequent reader, rare commenter)
i'm very excited to see the journal up close, and to be able to hold it and touch it. mmmmm....paper. and sewing...and graffiti. yum. i'm glad i reserved one early, i'm sure they're gonna go fast! and that mini book is TDF! (to die for!)
love your tags for the shop!!! eeks!!! :)
I like your style, it`s very inspiring!
And I love to sew on paper too, that gives it just that little bit extra!
oh my goodness!! you + etsy shop = genius!!! can't wait!
count me in! :D
congrats! i love your shop name:)
hooray for etsy!! girl, you gonna be big! and i can't wait to see you!! woohoo!
please bring some stuff for me to fondle. your "art" stuff, that is. ;)
you crazy crafty genius you!
This new stuff is awesome - just like your etsy banner!
Congrats Girl!! your art is awesome.. You are awesome!! *hugs*
Hey ! I'm such a fan of your art so this etsy shop is good news !!! Congrats, I know you're gonna be successful with it so I wish you the best ! Thanks for the giveaway, I'll be keeping my finger crossed real tight !!!
I would know your work anywhere... you have such a specific aesthetic and that's the mark of a true artist... Love those tags!
love those tags! that's very exciting!
wowww! im so excited....im always ur fan.... always drop by to check out ur updates on ur latest artworks...everyday....yes every single day..... love those tags......and im surely gonna check ur etsy shop.....
mimiey fy
all the way from Brunei
Etsy is Special... and not that eat the paste kind of special... so very cool! You'll have amazing success! Congrats!
your friend from the frozen north,
Hi Debee! Oh papergoodness!!
Such a beautiful mind of creativeness you have:):)
Am always in awe.
Awww.. I would love to win something that you have made! You have been a huge inspiration to me for some time now.
Please enter me for the drawing.
Thank you! :P
UH UH ..you aint tell me you was doing this, Ima have to spank you, dont wanna win, but wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS sweet thang
Oooh Debee sorry I hadnt been leaving any luv lately, tho I have been, lurked and LOOOOved your ART!!!
Lou xxx
Hmmm... I would love to win one of your exquisite little pieces of art! Thank you! -Alisa
i love your journals. so much love goes into them. amazing.
oh, I hope I'm not too late! I think you're so inspiring I just keep looking and looking. I really should get more done myself :P
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