But still, all this thinking... all the quiet...it was a breathe of fresh air to have read your encouraging comments. To hear from you sweet friends that you are praying and thinking of me. And I can tell you that I have felt lifted and better because of it. So grateful for each of you. I too keep you in my heart and prayers.
So my last week of vacation came this week. I would've loved to have invited you into my studio for some paper and glue fun...and yes, spray paint is not optional (and who cares if the stuff doesn't wash off your hands :) I would've invited you to the starbucks down the street for a coffee break, or two. And I would've loved to have heard how life is going for you. So how is it?
I've been so quiet lately. But I mean it in a good way. I've been thinking...and sometimes being a futurist thinker isn't good because that only causes me to worry. But the worrying was subsided when I had to move my studio out for a bit to add fresh paint. White. Ahhh.... a blank white canvas. love it. So in the mean time I ended up looking through boxes and boxes of stuff I forgot I had (why does that always seem to happen?). And I was determined to only allow things back into the studio that I really did need. And I kept thinking about this piece I made...
And then I thought...hmm... everyone needs a little inspiration so here you go!
I made these for my belladrummer etsy shop.
Happy holiday shopping :)
Chipboard Art Journals $20:
Inspiration Art Books $15:
"Dream" Chipboard grunge letters $5
Swatch Art books $3:
Belladrummer ETSY
All these goodies *****Edited: Are NOW available! :)
If you hurry, you'll see that I listed one of the swatch books for just $1!*****edited: taken!
Yep, hurray for Fridays and hurray for shopping... especially since I have more space to work in now that I've let go of some of my stash. (Happy girl) So here's something to look forward to...enjoy sweets. And someday, yes, you do have to come over!
love & hugs
got one :)
this is magic
Art journals = o_O
your style is so fresh. it always amazes me....
going to check out you shop!
agreed. i missed you too. i'm coming to HB tomorrow night -- we're there until saturday, i think. if you and j get bored and wanna drive up, buzz me. you have my cell, yes? xoxo.
ps - i got my tags! thank you! lovelove.
Love the first one!! Hey did you use the Paper Pixie Ornate Frames I sent for it in the RAK? You make it look so lovely! Love all of them. Good lucky on etsy!
youve been tagged on my blog Debee!! love your work!!
I love everything you do. Every little thing. When can I come over? ;)
debee...uve been tagged in our blog...
check us out
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