and not one was ever hung.
even though i worked in an art gallery for quite a while, helped curate a few shows and even set up the whole thing... i had fear of doing this on my own. but never fear! mr.handsome to the rescue!!!
yesterday he dared to trust me with this crazy sketch.

i made a rule... no more buying new frames. make it fit. and it's okay to not use all of them :)
we have plenty of walls that need frame love. xo
to say i was not scared would be a lie. i was scared. so very scared! I guess because actually "dreaming up" something is totally different than actually "making it happen". I kept asking myself what if it doesn't look like I want it to? So many years just dreaming.

we nailed it. i helped with my little mini hammer :P
I hammer like a girl. ask mr.handsome. I'm surprised he didn't laugh. lol
oh sweetness. I was SO very happy. I kept asking mister if he liked it. but really? I mean be honest please!

we stepped back. a few more steps. looking. seeing. liking. loving our new little wall.
happy smiles. :)

we tore the paper sketch down, i need to fill the frames with our pictures and i am in love!
so funny how just a little wall frame can make it feel more like home. my home.
I will share better pictures with you tomorrow. We are having a sweet "happy home" party and celebrating out first year here. Family, friends and home. Perfect.
girl, that looks killer awesome! great job!!! now try to shave off a couple of years on your next amazing project, k? don't keep us waiting! ;)
Love it!!!! Just perfect!! Especially love the large red letter as a focal point and the varying "depths" of the frames..really awesome!
Oh, this is so beautiful! Great job. I want one. And I completely know what you mean about putting your dream idea into action, but you really did a FABulous job!
it is awesome!
YAY for getting things done. :)
A-ma-zing! Love your wall! See..nothing to be scared about! It turned out spectacularly!
This is just wonderful! You did indeed "nail it"!
Debee, that is gorgeous! I'm so happy you saw that project through -- it makes me smile. And the "R" is fantastic.
Lovely little place you have here! Thanks for the inspiration!
congratulations on a year in your home and I love your wall-and that you did it together!
Thank you so much! I have a terrible affliction involving buying endless number of frames, only to leave them lying in my office un-filled and love-less.
You've seriously inspired me, LOVE the look of it. x
I love this project. Doesn't it feel terrific to finally get something done that has been hanging over your head for a while? I hope to spend the next two weeks doing just that. I just hope my projects turn out half as great looking as your have.
You know I LOVE it! Don't feel bad... my twin sister has been in her home for three years and she has family visiting from California this week. They are going to help her hang her frames. LOL!
very very is perfect.
My question did you get the over lapping frams to stay? You must share your secret....I LOVE IT!!!! what a cool effect
I have been wanting to collect frames, but just have never done it! I need to go to some flea markets/garage sales and do this! I have tons of pictures , art by my girls, little magazine pictures, swatches of material, all to frame! just need the frames! thanks for the inspiration! your blog is AMAZING!
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