Monday, August 9, 2010

artful blogging

pretty yellow book

good day to you :)

I offer you a little cup of tea with a dainty daisy and a pretty book to enjoy this morning.

This weekend was filled with so many fun things. I had a little party for my { Inspire Lovely } class yesterday. I made strawberry cupcakes with delicious buttercream frosting and sweet heart sprinkles. xoxo Mr.Handsome and I enjoyed a beautiful time at the farmers market here in Little Italy. We totally ate our faces off :) I even did some pretty shopping: a new garland, hand embroidered wrist bracelet, and a new book full of ideas to get some loveliness on our walls. I hope to finish the project and share it soon! I'm really excited I can't even contain myself. It has nothing to do with painting my walls in my studio, BUT it does have something to do with adding some much needed style with a can of spray paint. *wink* of course it has something to do with spray paint lol!

artful blogging

Over the weekend we also received this a copy of this beautiful magazine, "Artful Blogging."
It's been something I've been really excited about since being approached to send in some art + words. I was so surprised at how colorful the pages look :)

art as life xoxo

I have made it one of my goals this year to be more creative with my color choices. Until now, I never really thought I had made the effort. I am totally a work in progress but thankfully, the color is coming through for me and I am really loving it.

have some pretty tea & art lovely

I love all these pictures with Mr.Handsome. He's such a nice guy :)
so fun to see

I had such a nice time flipping through the magazine and reading the various excerpts of many amazing artists and why they blog. Very inspiring indeed :) I would definitely encourage you to pick up a copy and check out the blogs featured. Can you believe it? An entire magazine featuring blogs? I love that.

I do hope you enjoyed your sweet cup of tea. I am loving those tea cups to pieces!

a sweet day to you,


Cynthia Schelzig said...

Wow...what a spread for you in this mag.....too coool. I love this magazine....such inspiration in one little mag. Great color on your pages too.
Cynthia Schelzig...a.k.a Cynnie

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going to have to check out that magazine! Thanks for sharing that with us!

blue china studio happy said...

I have to go get that magazine! How fantastic to be a part of that.

Michelle Clement said...

Omg. congrats on the 'Artful Blogging' feature, lovely! :) I vote for them featuring you every month, just switching up the lovely inspiring photos of yours. :) he he. you rock!

jamie said...

ms. debee...
how! you must be so very pleased and excited. is this the current issue??? do tell. i am going out tonight to find if so.
thank you for sharing your talent yet again.

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

yowza! i must get that magazine! your blog is GORGEOUS! I love how you photograph everything!

Unknown said...

wow, I'm amazed that there is a mag entirely devoted to blogs!
Artful+Blog definitely = YOURS!
I always look forward to your new posts.

Congrats on the colorful spread and keep the inspiring art coming. :)

Amy said... cool to open up a mag and see your own stuff! you go girl!! now i have to get my hands on a copy!! simply lovely...

Keshet said...

Congrats on being in there!

Irma said...

I read this issue and your work was presented to perfection! Congrats ;)


Congratulations on being in such a beautiful magazine. I recently spent an afternoon at Barnes and Noble looking at it. Such fun.


amytangerine said...

the magazine looks fab! congrats on your press!

Mari said...

that magaine looks so ool! to bad they dont sell these in Norway:(
Your layouts and art looks devine!!! I have to say, I can star at your creations for hours, there are so many gorgeous bits and pieces!!!


jamie said...

i got it!
yay! for you and for me (smile).
waiting for a moment just to myself to delve in.
thanks for sharing.

Jennifer Jackson Taylor said...

Hi Debbee,
Thanks for the plug and great to hear how much you liked your layout! It was a great pleasure working with you. -Jennifer

Traveling Mama said...

Oh wow! This is really great! I cannot wait to check it out! Congrats on the feature too- it is totally and completely deserved! Hugs!! said...

wow... love everything u create, Congratulations on ur lay-out..I 'am on a mission now to find it..thanks for sharing, luv ya..

Denise said...

Hard to believe that a magazine could make your blog look any better and more lovely than it already is but wow-that's gorgoeus. Your class was beautiful as well Debee.

Sasha Farina said...

prettiness! you're perfect for the mag!

missusem said...

That's a fab mag :) Thanks for sharing Debee!

So happy you're going to be part of the Cocoa Daisy team!! :D

Vee said...

stunning and congrats, well deserved girl! xo