Tuesday, September 14, 2010

happy birthday love

birthday love
{Photo credit: mr. Handsome}

hello birthday loves :)

my goodness I can't believe how long it's been since my last post... hello again :)

How have you been? September been good to you?

This month has been a bit of a challenge except that I am trying my hardest to live out joy in my everyday. So thankful for the blessings. So thankful for lovely friends. So thankful that life is leading in a better direction. New chapter. Fresh new page. I have been so blessed as to find a temporary job and now I'm ready to work my little tush off :)

Today is a no work day... didn't you get the memo? *wink*wink*
I never work on my birthday. I haven't for the past 8 years :) And I pass along that little day off to you today too. ;)

Today Mr. Handsome sang to me at 12:05 in the morning. Happy happy birthday indeed.
Today we both have the day off to enjoy a peaceful, sunshiney day together.
Off to lunch at one of my favorite places to eat... rest and relax.
Off to enjoy the sounds and cool ocean breeze by the beach.
Off to buy a nice birthday cake with yummy strawberries and a heart in the center.
Today we celebrate with my little familia.
Time to celebrate love... today we are looking forward to celebrating 31 blessings.

you are lookin' good :)
happy unbirthday to you love,


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Happy Happy Day!!!! Enjoy yourself!

I get to celebrate my 31 next month. Oye!

~The Mama Monster

blue china studio happy said...

Happy Birthday! Glad Mr. Handsome knows how to treat a birthday girl right!

Irini said...

I wish you all the best on this wonderful day......Happy Birthday!!

Marie Kristl Flid said...

Happy birthday dear :)

Love, Carrie said...

Happy Birthday Debee! I hope you had a great day!!!....and it is so nice to hear your positive words on living life...thank you : )

<3 Carrie

Anonymous said...

Happy bday! I follow your blog regularly and I love it! =) What a super idea to not work on your birhtday - that should always be a day off =)

MandaMog said...

Happy wonderful birthday to you!! Your day sounds absolutely perfect.

Guess what? My mom was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and picked up a copy of Artful Blogging for me. I saw you. I squealed. :) It looked terrific!