i woke up valentine's day feeling a bit restless about what to give mr.handsome as a card to show him how much i love him. I wanted to make him a card just like the one's in the previous post but it still left me with the feeling like it wasn't enough. this was my first valentine's day as a mom & wife and so i got to work on our frame wall in our living room as a gift to both mr.handsome and little r. i played all day :) and this is what mr.handsome came home to.
it was so much fun going through photos of us with little r. it's been a little over 2 months and boy have we changed. ( i have been saving trims of lace & crochet and made this shadowbox frame using the trims as garlands :) I also designed the cute "hello love" tag just for this frame.
inside the shadow box i added these three cute grey/metallic spools. one for each of us. cheesy i know! hahaa on top & the outside of the frame i added some wee garlands i whipped up, i punched out pink hearts from notebook paper, vintage floral pattern paper and starburst punches from vintage newspaper sheets. little r had fun watching. hehee.
i've had this mini ornate frame for a while ( thrifted ) and it fit this cute picture of mr.handsome & little r together in our first picnic together. i also added a cute fabric stripe yo-yo i made a while back + a cute zebra i thrifted in a cute bag of dinosaurs for little r. i think i'm going to have fun playing with his toys hahaa!
i love candles. just not spending money on them ;) so i remembered i had a pier 1 gift card from way back as a wedding gift ( almost 3 years ago - yikes :) and thankfully i was able to purchase a few candles. ( the heart wooden clothespin is from a handmade market and from "mom", pretty amazing handmade stuff!
and how can you have valentine's without flowers? i asked for anything but roses :) we were visiting our local farmers market on saturday and i got to pick these beautiful soft pastel flowers. they even smell so sweet!
and here we are, my little r. he's such a cute kid. i would like to state for the record he gets that from me. hahaaa! ( frame from melissa frances scrapbook supply )
more zebra fun. one mama zebra and one baby one for little r.
i had fun glittering up this duo with sparkly vintage glass glitter. it's much shinier than regular glitter, pretty awesome. and xo for my two handsome fellas. so this was my valentine card for my 2 loves. but just in case i bought 2 packs of baseball cards for mr.handsome, one from little r and one from me :P and guess what mr.handsome bought me??? the breaking dawn cd hahaaaa! i CANNOT watch any of the twilight movies with him! he's always repeating the cheesy/romantic lines in the movie "you breathing is enough for me" and saying them in the most annoying voice.
he's of course mocking the movie and my love for the films. hey, it's a love story. i'm a sucker for love stories. and even in all his cheesiness, i am in love with every bit of my handsome man. :)
so yeah, i'm rocking out to the soundtrack this weekend. i hope you have a beautiful weekend!
love to you, -d
hi... love ya ;)
You must have a trail of glitter and lace following you everywhere, all the time! Just lovely, Debee! :)
I love your Valentine's display! Beautiful work on the frame of you and your family. The draped lace and paper garlands look so dreamy. :)
I must get that CD. I just watched Breaking Dawn for the first time the other day, and I think it has to be my favorite one yet! Such a fabulous love story. :)
love it.. u inspire me so so much! xo
so beautiful thanks for sharing your creative loveliness Debee. little R is adorable!
What a wonderful "wall of love" for your two men! What a blessing you all are to each other! Truly a gift!
What an amazingly beautiful blog. Keep up the great work!! :o)
Regards Linda
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