Well, they do now :)
So I kept trying to write this post as one cohesive post and here's me trying to do just that.
I want to tell you about the 20+ new stamps in the shop.
I want to show you how i used 3 of them in my project life page.
And i want to share my love for succulents ( which coincides with my project life page).
But all i really want to show you are pictures of my succulents. because they are just so pretty. even though you might not come here for that. i think you will appreciate their cuteness. :)
So I shall start with the new stamps: Here i am researching & designing. In order "be creative" I need my creative juices flowing and for that i need a donut & a cute succulent I propagated for my mother in law :) Okay so that's not a real NEED but I couldn't help it. aren't those cake donuts the BEST?!
So Yay for creativity and I designed 24 new stamps! I never want to design stamps I'm not willing to use myself so this takes a while and I don't mind one bit. I juuuuuust might need another donut for you know, creativities sake ;)
******************************** Coupon Code Time! *******************************
All 24 stamps are listed in the shop with new affordable pricing AND a FREE shipping coupon code: FREESHIP on all orders over $25 ( domestic) and $60 for our international customers use coupon code: FREESHIPXO ( Total must be $25 or $60 before shipping + tax etc.) Coupons expire: May 23, 2014

And here is my project life page I created using 3 of the stamps :)
I also used this OH MY HAPPY HEART stamp on a plain sheet of office paper I cut down to size.
And this love this very much stamp right on the picture. So nervous stamping right on the picture but it turned out great, no ink bleeding or smudging :)

I used this >>>Today<<< stamp & journaled using my type writer.

So my journaling above really tells the story for the next picture. We celebrated our anniversary and Mr.Handsome bought me a gift, the best gift, a box to fill with succulents & hang!

How can you go wrong with succulents?! Cute right? I know, not everyone likes them. not everyone "gets"why they're so darn cute and popular. for me it's my mother's fault. she's been an avid gardner for years. I have now become just like my mother. lol! I have my own little garden and I don't mind one bit. The funny thing is I started collecting them once little r was born. You'd think i wouldn't need one more thing to add to the chaos of taking care of a little one but this was a saving grace. It's SO relaxing. just tending to them, or in this case not tending to them since they like being ignored :) You know what they say, Happy wife happy life? So true ;) That Mister is really smart. XO
And here are 2 project i recently took on just for the craziness of it. I made a cupcake succulent. Or it should look like one :) I had plenty of fondant left over from little r's birthday and needed to use this green stuff up. hmmm green.... think think think. YES! A cupcake that looks like a succulent! why not?! i don't have a million and one things to do!? hahaa. Well i do but it can wait. :) So i sat and shaped and cut and painted and powdered and frosted. You can still see the frosting and my bad for not coloring it green but really, i just wanted to put it together after spending hours on it. Maybe next time? hahaa! I can say i made this and now its out of my system. i just want to eat cupcakes.
And this little potted succulent was inspired by decor8's new book on designing with florals. I remembered i owned a pretty quarter cut of liberty fabric and loved the idea of using it for this DIY on the pot. I adhered the fabric with decoupage to the clay pot. It was super easy. Instead of florals I used some cute propagated baby succulents I had been wanting to use in an arrangement. looks like they like their new home XO.
And this is from our last market set up. We went a bit peachy :) Love the colors as they are a bit subtle and refreshing. It's spring afterall! Can you spot the succulents?
We sold out of these cute little pails I had arranged as gifts for mother's day. My babies! I made the cute pennant flags from vintage fabric and added a paper stamped with a pretty reminder : you are loved to each. They made their way to new homes. I hope they make all the lovelies happy as much as they make me. However silly, i was SO happy to make these. I don't think i made dinner actually the night before the market just so i could play with these hahaa! Oh silly priorities. ;)
Which finally leads me to the our next show which is coming up this next Sunday!
We will be vending for the first time at Patchwork Show modern handmade festival May 25th, 2014, 11 am - 5 pm : 5255 paoli way long beach, ca 90803
If you are in the area please come visit and shop handmade! The festival is free and will feature food trucks & music along with lots of awesome handmade work :) I just might have some cute extras to handout. I will let you know more via our instagram as we get closer to the festival day.
So do you like succulents now?
These are the only plants i can't kill. I have tried. and they don't die. so i guess that means they like me or like the torture hahaa! jk. Little r always knows when we go to the store i'm going to check out the nursery area and pretty much every time we come home with a new friend.
paper love
Keeping me sane :)
happy friday + shopping + cupcake eating and crafting lovelies!
1 comment:
Thank you for the information on succulents!! We live in an apartment and have literally no space ( and my hubby doesn't want yet another thing to have to do in watering flowers), so I have been thinking long and hard about succulents. I think I will purchase one now and see how it goes!
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