So true. How and why I forget that sometimes, I wonder? I've got a super cool reminder now :)
I love these self journal pages sometimes. I know I get tired of journaling about me. I'm to shy to write what I feel sometimes. I am to self conscious to take pictures of myself. And on most days, I really don't like journaling. But I love the wacky Wednesday Challenges Sasha brings. She's amazing, as I've said before :) So this weeks emotion/feeling: Beauty. I see it everywhere around me. And that definitely is something worth journaling :)
A girl is a girl is a girl
She is beautiful
Everyone's beautiful
I smeared the picture of her and then I walked away
Everyone's beautiful
All of us crawling on hands and knees in need of you
A prayer is a prayer is a prayer
Everyone's beautiful
All of beautiful
let them all find their redemption
down deep in your eyes
Everyone's Beautiful
(Lyrics adapted from Waterdeep "Everyone's Beautiful")

I'm not completely happy with the LO but certainly happy to have finished it. I used hambly for the very first time- FUN! I have so much of it and it's just nice to finally use it. Scrap hoarding is ridiculous! LOL
Alright- Let's go and play with some Hambly!!!
::: 86 ::: Pages to go
YAY! for using your hambly! this came out beautifully! i love the colors and the lyrics!
Wow!! Love your unique style!
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