Mr. Handsome thought up that catchy title. Genius. That's why I keep him around ;) So thanks for standing my crush on my sewing machine. So weird to say that-I mean type it. Whatever. It's just weird. I know. But guess what? I finished another layout which means this brings me to a total of 87 pages to go! Woot! Okay- this blog will eventually be a little more exciting, but for now, bear with me :) I might just do a give away with all this excitement inside of me. That's if there is any interest out there for some free stuff ;) Sometimes I'm not sure who really is out there? But for those of you who stop to say "Hi" I'm waving back attcha! Seriously cool.
There I go getting all excited again. Focus. Whew. Okay, so my SIS Sasha thought up a very cool challenge to scrap about your week, about you, about your week...but with a twist.
You are to use:
- sticker letters
- has to be monochromatic (color of your choice)
- (use something) scallopy edge on your page
- add some BLING.
So I added another challenge for myself-I used yellow, a color I find rather difficult to scrap. AND I tried a different paper size. Just cuz I need the added pressure LOL! jk. So if you're feeling up to the challenge GO FOR IT! I loved it and am looking to doing another one soon. ( if you do choose to scrap the challenge- link back and let me know, I love oooohing and ahhhing at your work :) I get happy. I can't help it.
I was inspired by Switchfoot's song "More Than Fine". (Seems like I only scrap lyrics. But I rarely have time to be creative in my journaling- for some reason I feel the need to be poetic- I don't understand me either ;) This is really a song that makes me feel better- changes my attitude about my day. I CHOOSE to be more than just fine. Yes, sometimes I feel down, but really, never want to take for granted a new day. Only I can live it, appreciate it for me. No second chances to live TODAY over again TOMORROW. It's not just another ordinary bleh day :)
When I wake in the morning,
I want to blow into pieces
I want more than just okay, okay. okay.
I want more than just blue skies, I'm not givin' up not givin' up
Not backing down. No I'm more than just okay more than fine More than bent on getting by
More than fine More than just okay.
Okay? - OKAY-
What colors do you find difficult to scrap? Do you like taking scrap challenges? I wanna know. I don't know why. But I do.
PS: Have an AMAZING day today!
Hi Debee
I hope you are having a great Sunday.
I have never tried a challenge, as you know, but would love to. Are you going to post one. I think you should. :)
beautiful artwork! Great color. Great journaling. Gorgeous photo.
i am always reading you!
even when i have no internet and can only check stuff when i visit my mums!
i find brown hard to scrap. i think that is probably because i don't like the colour in general.
that is AMAZING. you just knock my socks off my friend.
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