My CTS was acting up all night and all day at work. I couldn't leave since I'm working on redesigning a 40 page book that's due this week. Yikes. You know what though, I'm still thankful. I've got some art done and I'm gonna move this right along and show ya!
So this weekend Mr. Handsome and I had no plans. None. Just one actually. Okay, maybe two. LOL
I wanted to buy one of these at Urban Outfitters:


Whichever. My rear doesn't discriminate between either one. I just need something to sit on as I work on the ground. AND I have hardwood flooring in my studio room. OUCH. I have some pretty ugly bruises on my knees and they don't really look pretty. So my solution, buy a pillow seat thingy. Yes I'm technical too.

Now UO is in downtown San Diego and I LOVE DOWNTOWN. Except I almost always get lost. Just because I never bother to memorize street names, I'm a go with the flow kinda gal. Usually cool except this time...Mr. Handsome was driving. Not me.
Which leads me to the reason why we'll never win Amazing Race.
I am directionally challenged. Like I know where I'm going except no one else does. And I point. I point for everything. And I wait till the last second to say things like, "Go right" or "Turn Left". I'm the added adventure in Mr. Handsome's life. At least now he knows. :) LOL So I ask him to be patient. AND HE IS ALWAYS. Except I think I saw a nerve popping out of his forehead. Don't know, weird angle. But anyway, we managed after 20 one ways, 5 wrong turns, and 8 "Oh i don't remember that being there". I'll have to scrap it someday. It was fun right sweetie? LOL ;) PS: They didn't have either pillows at the store. EH. lame. And I still don't know which one to get.
Is it bad if you run a red light to get to church?
Oh it is bad? Hmm... ummm....wasn't me.
After walking around, taking all the crazy people in, lunch at TGI Fridays (LOVE the Jack Daniel's burger!) and a pit stop at Borders. Handsome and I just chilled. We promised to be back soon. To take on another adventure. And me, to learn my left from my right :) So i got home and made this little graffiti lovin' art. I need to keep using my spray cans. I've got so many. If you have some you HAVE to try taggin' up your LO's.

So heres the dealio:
What I did. I'm a chicken and an unskilled tagger. So I practice my sprays on plastic.
- Well, the plastic was actually looking pretty cool and so I waited for it to dry.
- ran to the sewing machine (you can skip or hop), grabbed the first piece of left over magazine paper
- and sewed the plastic right on top of the sheet.
- It crinkles a little and the paint kind of chips off, but I think it adds character. And what the hey, I'm not perfect and neither is this little piece of art. We're good.
- I tore out a piece of notebook paper and used that to give the magazine and plastic a little more stability. Sewed that together.
- Grabbed a left over piece of fabric and the ribbon from the Hipster Collection and sewed that to the side.
-Next I decided to use a fortune (again- I know a huge fav) and sewed that in the middle along with a strip of left over paper.
-Made a square shape to "frame" the fortune and added a pretty MAMBI butterfly (Michael's)
Serious fun. And remember to be good to yourself. No spraying in an unventilated area, cover your table surface, AND never inhale :)
You guys need to get some cans. Seriously. Lets start a trend
o0oh, i love me some UO.
My vote is for pillow #1, but they both are uber cool.
Thanks for the tutorial. i DO need to get some spray paint.
I LOve your art.
Hope you are having a great week!
So cool! Thank you for this very inspirational tutorial! Your little piece of art is just wonderful!
You are so funny! I totally understand being directionally challenged -- can't wait to see the page that comes from that story!
Love the art! I'm so intimidated by spray paint, but I just might have to try this!
cool Debee!
I LOVE spray painting too! It's pretty much the only way I use my HS masks. I've been having an idea dancing around my head using spray paint...I think you may have sparked my creativity! THANKS!
you are making me relive my youth d.
oh you crack me up.
mostly because your description of your trip to UO sounds exactly like something that I would do!
now I NEED to buy spray paint!
I am coming to San Diego June 4-11 and I'd love any suggestions on what we should see/do/eat in the area :)
Thanks, Meg
I have so many cans I should totally do this!!! I'm all for starting the trend with ya! ;)
The Netherlands is in desperate need of an Urban Outfitters. We don't have that store here. What's up with that?!
I LOVE Urban Outfitters and always shop there when I'm overseas.
My art card came today!!! It is absolutely gorgeous! I can't thank you enough -- I plan on blogging about it very soon! :)
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