You leave a comment on this post and you might win this beauty.
easy dude.
so let's get to it! The Kenner Road Creative Team is giving away kits: more here. Internationals welcome.You can leave a comment on EVERY KR team members blog. Coolness.
Posty posty from now until July 12 (Sunday). I'll pick a lucky winner then! So excited for you :)
Ready? Set? good luck! ;P
i heart giveways
woot woot
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»Ooh! What a delicious looking kit!
I'd never heard of them and now I'm excited!
I think this rocks. Thanks for hosting it :) Happy day to you!
Love CC, Pink Paislee and that stamp! Awesome.
I am loving this paper and color combo - maybe a back to school page or mini album!! :o)
That looks amazing! So lovely.
How cool! What a great giveaway!
This would be nifty to win. :) Thanks!
Lovely :]
Those colors are the best!
Eye candy:) Have a wonderful weekend!!
:) :) thanks for the chance to enter. and i absolutely love your banner. :)
Awesome giveaway! Have a great weekend.
love this!!!
so exciting!! i'm visiting every blog, adding you all to my google reader, commenting and crossing my fingers (i hope i win something!) good luck to everyone. :D
Ooh, pick me, pick me! Seriously, so cool!
Ohhhhhh, I LOVE this set!!!
frostitpink (at) yahoo (dot) com
Great kit. Love the colors.
so in love with this kit! thanks for the chance to win!!
besides the change to win, I'm discovering these awesome blogs!!! OMG!!! you are all so talented!
Gorgeous kit!
Oh what a nice giveaway. Really a dream come true for me. Hope I could touch them for real.TFS!
I just LOVE this kit.
This kit really looks great. Thank you for the chance to win it.
This looks like an awesome add-on! Thanks for letting me play!
Oh, my, I just love Kenner Road. Thanks for the fun, and thanks for sharing!!!!
Thanks, have a great weekend!
KR ROCKS!!! I see some awesomeness I'd love to get my fingers into... Thanks, ms_cheryl_y@yahoo.com
Such a fun kit! Great giveaway. Thanks =)
Love the kit! Thanx for doing this!
Hoping to end my streak of trying for giveaways without success with this beautiful kit! Pick me! :)
Super cute!
Woo-hoo! Kenner Road rocks!
awesome possum! I love me some good old fashioned giveaways!
pick me please! mama need some shiny new supplies :)
ooh just love it!
wow! awesome kit! thanks so much for the chance to win!
I ♥ giveaways too, especially KR giveaways with super cute stamps in them!
Gorgeous kit! How generous of KL to let you all give one away!
I loove that stamp!
I love when you blog. A giveaway is just icing on the cake here. =)
Hope you're still happily married and enjoying every minute of life together!
Yes, I'd love to win this! Woot!
I NEED some of the things shown here. LOL Cute flowers and white distress ink too. Jane
I've got nuttin' but love for Kenner Road stuff!
Oh, those papers are so pretty!
cute stuff! Thanks for the chance to win. :o)
love this kit!I look forward to every month!!
This is so awesome,hope you are doing good girlie!!
Awesome kit! thanks for the chance..
Definitely my fave kit!!! They are all so yummy but this one is devine!!!! Cant wait to see who wins them all!!!!
Love Kenner Road and LOVE Kenner Road giveaways!!!
yay! giveaways
I *heart* KR and I *heart* your spray painted style ;)
I heart giveaways, too!
This kit is another stunner from Kenner Road, love that stamp!! Thanks for the chance xo
Awesome kit.I love the boldness of it.
Such a fun thing to do,Giveaway such yummyness.
Have a great weekend.
I would love to be the lucky one :-)
Someone said "eye candy" it definitely is!! Love this kit!
Beautiful kit!
I am leaving comment. Perhaps I will have luck :)
I don't know how to say it... maybe => {cross my fingers}
KR Rocks! Love your blog :) Great giveaway!!
Great kit!
Such a pity I never win :(
I already envy the winner!
this kit looks awesome!! love it!
The colours in this kit make my heart happy!
wow. I want one!
ohh i would like to win this kit !!
Oh wow what a very beautiful kit! I like everything on this kit!
I've just stubbled across the Kenner Road blog today,which led me here. These kits are gorgeous. I really love the vintage items. I think i'm going to do some sweet talking to my husband!
Beautiful kit. Hope to win!
Looks awesome!!Love it!!
cool!!! good luck to me ;-)!!!
Super!!! beautiful kit, thanks :)
this is a fun kit, i would love to have it!
yum! Love Kenner road!!
I'd be lucky if I can have this lot. Those pattern papers and the other stuffs are lovely!!
btw..this is off the topic, but you look like a model!!
beautiful kit!
Great kit!
This is such a beautiful kit! Perfect for summer photos :)
A beauty indeed! Would love to win.
Yay! Loving these KR giveaways! How awesome!
Yeah, gimme gimme!! This kit looks delicious.
Thanks for the chance to win. Fingers crossed.
great kit. thanks for the chance to win :)
I'd love to win......it's an amazing kit. I so want that stamp!!
What is not to love? Kenner Road rocks!
I love this kit! Thank you.
Yippee! I love a great giveaway!
I love it to bits! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the giveaway! Thanks!!
Please pick me. Oh pretty please!
thanks for the chance to win some paper goodness!!
I think that I would make a very good winner. ;)
HooraY...a giveaway! Love the kit.
Lovely kit!!! I would looove to win ;)
Have a lovely week-end :o)
wow amazing kit!!!
Cute stuff!
Gorgeous blog! Great giveaway!Thanks.
Amazing kit and colors - thanks for hosting.
ooh yeah, gimme gimme!!
Love this kit and the colors are so yummy. I would love to win and play with this,especially on a rainy day like this.
Love all the chances to win!
Too Cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to work with this kit!
absolutely love KR kits.
thanks for the chance to win one!
so much fun in this kit! I would love to have it...thanks for the opportunity to win!
count me in, i'm a sucker for the KR kits!
happy weekend
There are some elements in this kit i have never used before! Looks fun!
OOOOHHHH I would love to win this kit.
I love your work and your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great kit. It's lush!
this kit is so cute, love it!
Love the kit!
Thanks! this is an awesome giveaway!
I love the kits they come up with. Gives me ton of inspiration!
fabulous kits, whoo hoo!!
If it makes you feel better, I heart giveaways too:) hee hee
awesome! thanks D!
oooooh that stamp - wonderful!
love this kit!!
Love me some KR! Awesome stuff! Pick me Debbie! -Alisa
I heart giveaways too. I'm feeling lucky today since it's my birthday!
Love the kit!!!!
Pick me, choose me! LOL! Love this kit and the July sneak peeks. Congrats to whoever wins the kit!
I'm in love with the Kenner Road kits, but haven't taken the plunge yet! So hard to try something new, but winning one would be awesome! Thanks for the chance!
Jenn in Vancouver
love kr! can't wait to see the gallery!
loving kenner road! would love it even more if i win :)
would LOVE to give this kit a new home...MINE!!!
Wonderful kit as always by Kenner Road. Thanks for the chance to win.
ohhhh i am just in love with kenner road - would love this sweet kit!!
I'd love to win a kit!!
oh. goodness. me!
love that kit!
thanks for the chance to win! :)
I hope I win :)
A lovely kit. Please pick me.
THanks for the giveaway! Have a great weekend.
I absolutely love the kit! I've never been to your blog before so I think I'll browse. Thanks for the chance to win a Kenner Road kit!
Gimmee! Gimee! ;)
Wow! Look at that loot!!! Woo-hooo! Thanks for the chance to play!
I have only recently discovered your blog, and I LOVE IT! I look forward to all your new projects, and the day when you and your mr handsome decide to have a baby!!!! Creatively speaking. I am just curious what you'll come up with for your pages. Is that weird? Thank you Kenner Road for introducing me to Debee!
Such a pretty kit! Wow. Thanks for the chance to win! x
very nice!!
I love everything in the giveaway and would be so happy to be the lucky winner!
i love all of the colors and patterns
OH! I want that gorgeous kit!!!! I've got my fingers crossed!
would love to win!
What a beautiful kit - so much possibility! Thanks for the chance to win it!
would love one lol!!
I love the kit!!
mary t
oh, how i love this...please count me in:)
love the kit! thanks for the chance to win :)
That is the cutest stamp ever and i want to have it sooo bad!!!! Thanks for the chance
Lovely, lovely kit!
Love this and I need it!
Dude, Debee. You know I want a piece of that action. :)
Cute kit!
Thanks for the chance - love your blog.
this kit is beautiful i wud love it!
oh yes plz me hearts giveaways too!!......esp KR ones at that!! :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win this great kit!!!
I love you style and blog so much!!! hope you pick me!!!!!
Love it. Looking at these kits, I think I have a red and white thing at the moment. Thanks for a chance to win!!
great, great, great kit. wow. i would love to win this!!!
How generous! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a beautiful kit!! I {heart} give-aways too!
OHHhhh, SO yummy! Freebies are always good. Thanks!
I wanna win! I wanna win! I wanna win! Me mE me ME! ❤
Hi Debee! Can I win? can I? Can I?
Hee... thanks for the chance!
great looking kit
love the kit.thanks for sharing.
Fab kit thanks for letting us internationals be a part of the giveaway!!
Would love to win this wonderful kit!
This kit is beautiful!
another international (UK) here hoping for the chance to win. Loving the retro feel of this kit. Thanks a million for the chance to win
I love your style and this blog!! I'll be visiting more often! That is a great kit!
Oh my...I love this blog travelling maddness! Thanks for the chance to win the lovelies!
Wow, this is just awesome :)
Love to win this......
Hi Debee -- thanks for the chance to win!
How Fun!
Just now finding out about Kenner Road Kits - I LOVE them! Thanks for the chance to win one!
Kenner Road and you rock! Thanks for the chance to win.
Love all the KR kits, but this one in particular! I would soooooo love to win it!! Thanks for being so generous!!
Eeeeek - I would love to win this kit! Kenner Road is the best - especially the stamps! Thanks so much for the chance!
Hey Debee, what a gift of a giveaway - you KR guys rock!!! can't wait to see what YOU do with those blue blossoms and yellow rosette ... xxXX C
I have just learn about Kenner Road. Love the July kit. It would be lovely to win this.
Gimme gimme is right! This is gorgeous!
Beautiful kit!
What an awesome giveaway! I sure hope I win :-)
What a cute kit! I can't wait to see what you all make with it!
Go on, choose me. You know you want to!! (pweeese)
thanks for the chance!!
Awesome kit!
Love all those Kenner Road kits! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh how I hope I can get my hot little hands on some KR!!!
Too cool!! Pick mee! :)
love love love it!
this kit is so yummy!! love love love. thanks for the opportunity!
Love this kit!!
it's beautiful!!!!! I would love to win it!! but am probably too late to be entered!!! love your blog! hope to see some new layouts from you SOON!
Gorgeous kit! I would love to win!
I would love to win this kit. Thanks for a chance to win.
This kit is SO fun! Can't wait for the reveal!!
Love this and can't wait to see who the lucky person is to get this!
Love this Kenner Road kit.
Great kit, here's hoping I win! Thanks!
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