woke up early. handsome had an early meeting. and i never went back to bed.
for the record. i don't believe in life before 8 am. i just don't.
but i rolled out of bed knowing today i am headed to the post. and wanted to throw something together to mail off a circle journal i've been hanging onto.
bed head and all. i broke out the paints.
blurry vision and all. i painted with my hands.
and then this page happened. and i like it. and i want to keep it. it makes me feel something.
hopefully this just pushes me to try my hand at waking up earlier to make room for creative life.
*fingers crossed*
does that work for you? you wake up early to do something you really love?
today it was worth it.

and so i also don't want to pass up the chance to recap on CHA quickly.
I met KL and Dina and they are just fabulous. you must get to know them. I am officially their groupie. i just followed them around CHA like a little puppy. :)
and then i saw heather. and i asked where her other boob was. (aka angie)
and we laughed. and she full frontal hugged me.
i forgave her. ( that's us in the pic. she was making me laugh so that explains my cheesy smile. (my sweater covered up my cute anthro shirt! :(
we made plans to see each other. creative party over at heathers!!!! woot woot! hahaa
i luvs xoxo
i have just 2 pictures. dos. not of people. just of inspo. from the anna griffin booth. i would like to do something like this on one of the walls in my studio. wouldn't that be lovely?
I also met the wonderful Mari (finally!!) I didn't recognize her as i was thinking of her like her avatar photo. right? i just stared at her. blank. then she said her name and i quickly realized who she was! lol! Sorry Mari! She was so sweet about it. after all this time knowing each other through the www and finally getting to meet you was such a pleasure. oh dear. so so sweet. (the tag below is compliments of Mari! play along if you wish please) Natalie was doing a demo and i decided to watch and wait to say hi. she kept looking over and i just smiled :) hahaa. she looked at my badge and recognized my name. I wouldn't remember my own name after seeing so many people. I LOVE her work so much and she truly is so inspiring. SO lovely to have met you sweet Natalie! and then there was Lucy from florida*waving hi* she was so nice. She had a bag that she made and i completely admired :) Thanks to all the lovelies that made my day!
tagged by mari: fun!
Your Cell Phone? iphone
Your Hair? blackish?
Your Mother? small
Your Father? sermon
Your Favorite Food? pasghettie
Your Dream Last Night? silly
Your Favorite Drink? starbucks
Your Dream/Goal? love
What Room Are You In? livingroom
Your Hobby? art
Your Fear? spiders
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? mama
Where Were You Last Night? zzzzzzzzzzzz
Something That You Aren’t? normal
Muffins? tops
Wish List Item? anthro
Where Did You Grow Up? cali
Last Thing You Did? photoshopped
What Are You Wearing? pj's
Your TV? free
Your Pets? lucky
Friends? wholesome
Your Life? original
Your Mood? cts'y
Missing Someone? handsome
Vehicle? dip_o
Something You Aren’t Wearing? makeup
Your Favorite Store? cb2
Your Favorite Color? azul
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? today
Last Time You Cried? sunday
Your Best Friend? comfort
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? kitchen
Facebook? lazy
Favorite Place To Eat? pf changs
off to the post to send this little beauty !
xoxo happy february!
love this, i loved the paper flowers there too, jamaica took a pic of it with her instax! super cute :)
It's Lucy from Florida, waving back....lol. I felt like a little groupie, myself to see you, Dina, and Kerry Lynn all together.
I can see why your page spoke to you....love it!! And my favorite color today is red.....must be because it's February.
Really wonderful to meet you at CHA!
Ohh you funny girl- I totally squeeled when I saw you - so so cool! Love your artwork - awesome painting!!! Huge hugs!
Hi! I am not too sure if I have ever commented on your blog or not.. huge fan of your stuff! Had to giggle when I saw your pic of the paper flower wall.. have been kicking myself in the butt for not taking a picture of it myself!! ;) ..so yeah, officially coming out of lurkdom! hee!
You are scrumptious and inspiring. MWAH!
love, love how you wrap things!
beautiful picture of you and Heather!
get out. that is so beautiful
and i'm getting ready to hang my butterflies. cannot tell you how blessed i feel to call you friend. and to have your cute little winged angels in my studio.
i love you. like whoa. yay for plans! and yay for goofy pictures! and yay for that freaking white wall - gosh, i wanted to take it with me! and yay for your page and circle journals and your gorgeous photos. sigh. yeah, we're back to i love you.
this page is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!! wow stunning stunning!!
oh Debee, you are just the sweetest!!
so happy to finally meet you, and like I said, you are gor-ge-ous!!
thanks for those nice words, and for playing along on my tag:)
think I need to check out your etsy again, talk about gorgeous stuff!!!
you are so pretty Debee in that pic!!!!
love your papers, love all of your creations!!!!
Sigh. I love Heather. This made me remember that I miss her.
other boob.... ahahahahaha. you have no idea how mopey and sad i was knowing i was going to miss out on seeing you and KL. wah.
but the photo makes me happy. your beautiful face makes me happy. <3
it was great meeting you at CHA when KL came to visit me in the Therm O Web booth. xoxo, rachel
i loved meeting you. Your artsy style. Your spray painting with reckless abandonment. Your amazing photography eye. I have scrappy crush on you.
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