it counts.
Sometimes. Well, no. Every time.
except this time.
Such is the case with this pretty gift. All pretty in pink. Fit for a princess named Ellie.
we love ellie because:
- she has imaginary "girlfriends" who she talks too.
- She has an imaginary pet butterfly
- She's the boss
- she loves dolling herself up with barbie makeup and a pink tutu and little plastic high heels. (so cute)
- Her enthusiasm is like no other. it's kinda scary :)
- she wears the cutest little glasses. I love people who wear glasses. xoxo
well last Saturday we celebrated her birthday. mr.handsome and i bought a little pack of cute disney princess nail polish, with a nail filer, and multi heart shaped bracelets ( totally cute!). All inside this cute little box above.
Was it too pretty & cute to open?
oh no.
objective: get the gift inside the box.
she tore into the gift, the box flew one way and the bow flew in the other.
objective successful.
i think i spent like 15 min making the cute little bow & flower. oh well. next time. just get a gift bag :)
She had a HUGE gift that came in a HUGE disney princess gift bag... She saw the gift, tossed it and pulled the gift bag over her little self. all you could see were her cute little legs. hahaa!
sigh* good times.
it was fun to watch her and her little cousins run around so free and happy.
I think I will do just that today in my little studio making stuff :)
well I am oohing and ahhing over that box...who knows what makes kids like what they do? mine will be 3 on friday and his favorite toy is something he got for his FIRST birthday!
well gee I loved the box! Debee, I have boys and I spend hours wrapping gifts and making tags and they could care less--I guess I really do it for me :) Hope you had studio fun!
lol! so true! I too have a boy and was completly enjoying your discripton of what a little girl is like;) (so refreshing) yeah I dont give any thoght as to how to wrap his presents, its all about how much fun he is going to have with it (cars allllllll cars and fire trucks)
kids are quite funny and remind me always of how grown ups are just kids who are bigger and have bigger toys;)
by the way, i got my twine today and it was delighfuly wraped! Your wapping counted for me
Sooo been there! Was at a Christmas party where they can "steal" the gift and I just sat gasping as everyone ripped my gift apart fighting for the movie tickets inside. After the party I walked around the room picking up the pieces. Not everyone can appreciate it. ;)
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