i just finished up teaching my second class and almost 50 students have rocked the spray can !!!
The majority for the first time too woot woot!
its funny that i get excited over this. but it really really just makes me giddy. I love watching everyone's reaction. most are good! although we all kind of get light headed from the smell :P
so 2 more classes to go tomorrow and I'm done. I'm so thankful Mr.handsome has made the trip with me. I cannot imagine being by myself or without him. we had a vendor table at a faire held here yesterday and we set up my belladrummer etsy :)
can you guess who outsold me?
hahahaaa..... he kept saying it was because he has better jokes than me. and that he's funnier.
go figure.
and he totally feels comfortable around 125+ women. totally.
i love introducing him to my classes as Mr.Handsome. and ladies are calling him "Mr.handsome". hahaaa!
but his comeback is...."i call myself Mr.handsome." no big deal.
ha. ha. ha. : l
funny looking is more like it.
oh boy. good times.
right before i left for reflections i played with the JBS May kit as a guest designer and the kit included a cute house chipboard kit.
and i had to make a little bird house for my little studio. Maybe make a friend with a cute bird next? :)
know any cute birds?
i also had some of the garlands I made for my etsy shop hanging around the bird house. i used left over bits and pieces from my classes to put these pretties together. they all sold at the fair last night and are now off to pretty new homes. thanks to mr.handsome and his amazing jokes & sales skills lol! i miss the garlands. sniff sniff.
here's a page i made to share my favorite form of therapy. Retail therapy :)
journaling reads: decorating this little corner of my world has been my favorite form of therapy. ***retail therapy*** xo xo
and because this is the page i most relate to at the moment:Patience
Journaling reads: Patience is not my virtue.
i'm not a patient person but i am married to the MOST patient person in the world.
we make an interesting combination :)
still have so much from the kit to play with. hopefully i can get back home and play soon. watching everyone here take the classes makes me want to take a few! they look like so much fun... off to get ready for a warm bonfire and some smores mmmm yum :)
sending love,
I am right there with you. no patience here...but, if my bf were any more laid back, he'd fall over.
Love the latest projects!
I love your layouts! I'm glad you're having a great time teaching! And your Mr. Handsome story is too funny!
i was at reflections isle carnivale last night and really wanted to take a look at your etsy stuff, but because I was doing a make and take, I didnt' get a chance to!! i saw someone with one of your garlands and i was so jealous...hope you're having a great weekend!!
Glad you're having fun! ;)
It's so great your classes have been fun...thanks for the sweet stories :)
I would just die if I could get my hands on a kit from your class...are you going to have any available on your Etsy?
Have a beautiful Sunday!!!
<3 Carrie
how I would love to take a class with you!! so glad it went well and that your salesman was so skilled!
i'm just glad i got my coffee plate back before you re-scrapbooked it ... i'm proud of you ;)
i went to visit jennie bowlins inspiration blog...and thought i was on the wrong blog when your picture popped up there as guest designer. ha ha. so pretty.
love those garlands.
love hearing how fun the classes are.
eager to see an etsy update too!!
You are one busy girl!! You already blogged it>! LOL So nice to meet you and be in your class ;) Kudos on your first one ;) and hope to see you soon. I saw people at the Carnival with those Garlands and wanted one badly as well!! So cute!
Love these pages and so glad you had fun at Reflections:)
It sounds like some craft show fun was had! :) And I just want to hang out here at your blog all day and soak up the scrapbooking/craftiness you post. Constantly. It's all just so gorgeous!! :) Lovely, lovely.
beautiful layouts!! It makes me just wanna sit down and scrapbook just for me!
Tumbled onto your blog thru JBS/Jenny Bowlin/Wendy Velcchi and think your art is whimsy and adorable. I am your follower now, nice work. Kept on postponing having a blog but finally started because I thought about it too much, as I do everything.
Debee, it was SOOO nice meeting you and taking your classes! You're a phenomenal teacher and I can't wait to take more of your classes!!
And thanks to Mr. Handsome for being your super rad assistant! So nice to finally see him in real life!
Have a great week!
I want to take one of your classes! Amazing!
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