I'm getting so nervous now that we are only 2 days from Sunday! Class starts and the teacher is SO nervous... in a good way :)
Or maybe it's the starbucks caffeine talking?! lol
All kits looked so pretty at the post :) Happy mail is on its way if you ordered a kit.
Even Mr.Handsome got in on the fun and helped me kit over 20 kits! He looked SO adorable :)
All e-mail invites for the on-line class have been emailed to all my lovely students. ( Please check your email! )
There is still time to purchase a pass for the class. ( the paypal button in the previous post is still active)
All the fun starts Sunday evening so we will get the party started then. awwwwwwww yyyyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh !!! I just got butterflies in my tummy typing that! hahaa
And so we have one very cute winner:

Congratulations Kathy! Please email me at belladrummer@gmail.com and I will e-mail you the class info. :)
I LOVED reading all the responses to your favorite color. Seems like I loved the ones that used very cute descriptions to explain your favorite color. Some are so romantic :) Thank you for sharing your faves.
I'm off to run last minute errands with so many ideas and things to do swirling around my head a girl could go crazy! But first... starbucks. hahaa! Cross your fingers for me okay? I hope this class is as fun as I think it's going to be :)
I will share my silly out takes here. *wink*
happy friday almost sunday xoxo
congratulations, grandma kathy...how fun for you.
looking forward to sunday evening...can't wait actually!!!
enjoy your starbucks!
Can't wait for class! See you Sunday.
Hi Debee,
I did not receive an e-mail (I ordered both class and kit). Could you check on this for me? My e-mail is pkolakowski@sbcglobal.net
I am so excited also!!!
Thank you.
Jen Kolakowski
hi debee, i have payed for the class, but havent got an email from you. Just want to make sure that I got a spot :) send you an email.
Hi Debee-
I just signed up for the class on Sunday afternoon.
I haven't received a confirmation email...Just wanted to make sure that you have on the list? thanks so much! Cannot wait-
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