ever since i found my cute vintage metal r i knew we would be friends forever. i don't think little r knew that though :) either way, i had biiiig plans for this little guy. after adding a fresh coat of red paint i had wanted to create this easy project for christmas ( i made a trip to a thrift store last week and spent $2.50 on three boxes of mismatched decorations ) ... even though it was smack dab in the middle of summer... i dared to dream. a dream of red and white and silver and gold all the cute christmas decor stuffed inside my little r. when i told little r my big dream he totally made a face, (just like the M&M in the commercial who doesn't want the pretzel inside the M&M). but i didn't care :) too bad buddy. i snatched up little r early this morning
from the wall of frames. and as he slept i spiffed him up a little bit.. christmas style.
he totally rocks the look i think.

here he is still sleeping :) oh.the.joy.

thrifted christmas decor... sweet! I simply used some scotch tape and temporary glue dots to adhere the decor together and to little r. he was such a little trooper. *smiles*

red. is . rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad.
since we don't do christmas trees i am finding new ways to add some happy christmas decor to our home anyway. kind of fun :)
oh dear little r... trust me next time k?
you look fabulous! (i think he thought i was gonna come after him with my bedazzler. hmm.. good idea actually ;)
I've got some paper love to share tomorrow and hopefully i get to finish cleaning up the studio tonight. ( spring cleaning yet again, total madness but it totally will be worth it - i have to keep telling myself that :)
so happy december!
yay! no stress. just keep swimming. :P
I can see you in every orb! awesome idea!!! now I want a big ole P so I can copy you!!! LOL!!!
Love it D!
little r, you DEF look rrraaad!!
Very Very Very Cute!
oh WOW ... I just love this so much. brilliant!!!
Love it! Crazy cool idea!
This caught my eye because it is an R....then kept my attention because it is such a rad idea for holiday decorating. Thanks for sharing it!
great idea!
Love the idea!! I definitely am in love with letters recently :)
And I'm making self-made decoration for our home too - already have a red-white crocheted garland (yessss, from Dottie Anglel's blog)
so cool! I would love to see the crochet garland also!!!
Jen KI.
lol at the bedazzler!
This looks fantastic! You're a genius!
Brilliant! Love that "R"!
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