lately I've been in a bit of a rut.
I usually get a little gloomy around winter time so it's nothing out of the ordinary. But since I started working from home it seems like i need to make it a point to just play and not "work". So today, I went through my thirfty finds and found a tea cup i recently purchased at my goodwill + doily + anthro file folder and added in a bit of confetti stars + sprinkled with a cute glimmery sheen.... to finish this little bit of good mojo i added a vintage swallow i love.
i took one peek and yes. yes. indeed.
i will drink to this :)
and i even saved you a cup xoxo
I even have a cute little friend in the shop with me looking like a bit of spring.
spring! hurry pretty please! hehee
today i headed over for a sweet lunch with my sister. One of her students is super sweet and has been very nice to me since I started helping out in her class. This little girl is so adorable, she goes to tell my sister something and then comes to tell me... " you and your sister are so beautiful". awwwwww! srsly melting heart. Kids are so cute at that age. Just say what you feel... i think it's nice to tell people really nice things especially when said person feels like cr*p. :)
I need to pass that bit of goodness along.
So psssst....
i think you're beautiful *
with that being said i wanted to make something for sweet andrea as a gift from both my sister and myself.
i packed a few extra goodies i had around the studio and had to take photo of it since i really wanted to just start adding photos to it :)
I hope she likes this little bag of goodness. It makes me happy with all these bright colors and patterns all mixed together. Totally a pick me up. Just what i needed.
Yesterday I also added a few extra ribbons that i discovered after cleaning a bit around the studio. I have the little basket filled to the brim on my desk. I know i shouldn't hoard stuff but all the eye candy really is tempting. I just need to make time to make something wonderful. I hope your days are filled with pretty spring colors. At least they live here via pictures right? :)
hurry hurry spring!
another round of tea and sprinkles for everyone!
Thanks Debee,
what a great post!!! I feel "springy" already, I'm so into colors myself right now. I feel we can make spring come more quickly by indulging in plenty of colors, don't you think...
Have wonderful, colorful day - maks ;-)
These photos are such a delight to look at!
Love the colors and that cheery feel they give (^•^)
Debbie 'swoon'....your photographs are just gorgoeus...especially what I needed today as I woke up feeling very cold and drab not even my morning coffee has helped today! :(
Thanks you for the burst of colour!!
Your blog is so beautiful and full of colour, it always makes me smile, even on the dullest days. :)
Debee, so beautiful! Yes, your photos, your blog, and you! What a treat. One of everything, please. And there are no calories (tee hee). Hope the sun is shining in SD, it is here in the OC!
So Pretty!
Gosh I can just stare at all your work forever..
you inspire me!
The pictures look so yummie! And I love the first one ... glitter!! :-) Janna
Hi! I came over to visit from BYW. Love your photos!
lovely post Debee!
beatiful pictures!
This is so beautiful. This is the best present anyone could get.
I love your blog!
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