dang it.
I managed to get sick over the weekend.
I blame my sweet little sister chiki
or maybe it was the popsicle right before bed
or maybe waking up super duper cold and my blankets all over the floor
or maybe just maybe it was me saying "I never get sick"
oh lame
but I'm still here
And some of the cards are too. If you won an art card please email me :)
I love sending stuff BUT that doesn't mean I love going to the post LOL
I have no patience for the post.
I pray each and every time right before I go to said post
and during
and give a big whoppin' glory hallelujah right after.
i have issues :)
so that being said, I did mail about 7 of them. I LOVE making them super special.
I hope you like good packaging. Some went to Sweden. WOOT! Some to Australia. WOOT! And some to Norway. WOOT and of course the good old US of A. WOOT WOOT! Sigh...I'm ridiculously happy to know that not only these cards are heading all over which a ways, but that now I have friends there. Yep, I'll be over for dinner girls. HEHEE.
Okay, time for some medicine again :(
I'll be back with some more stuff to share just as soon as I stop thinking and do more doing.
Have the happiest of Mondays
Happy Monday! Thanks again!!
Email address, just in case u need it. bxdrrican@aim.com
Any time, girlfriend! ; )
Get well soon! Can't wait to get my card in the mail - yay!
Debee, so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel all better soon.
I just check my mail and I am one happy and excited thankful one! I got my card. I am not going to post it because I want everyone to be on pin and needles about which one they are going to get. That was so much part of the fun. I love it Debee, and yes, I absolutely adore the joyful little package. hehe It's even more awesome in real life.
You're awesome. Thank you!
-Sitting here admiring my card
Awww...feel better soon!
feel better...I've been sick for 6 days now...not fun!
But I did get some lovely happy mail from you today! Thanks so much! It's perfect...even more gorgeous in person! and you rock the packaging too! thanks!!
i shall stalk my mailbox. also, i am sending virtual chicken soup. feel better soon! miss you. xoxo.
i got it. i got it!!
if you could have seen my face.
bc not only is it marvelous and going to be a priceless possesion from this day forward, but it's you & my papers which = pure bliss.
thank you d.
love you!
Hey sweetie. Hope you are feeling better soon. xoxo
OOoh you can come have dinner at my place anytime!!!!
Look after yourself!!
Oh and yeah Im stalking my postie LOL
I got mine!!!! I absolutely ADORE it!! Thank you! Thank you! Up on my great "Wall of Fame" it shall go!! I have a Debee Card!!!!!! Woot!! ps. hope you feel better soon! Loves...
oh, BTW - you are more than welcome for dinner any day!! Just tell me when so I can clean! ;o)
Hope you feel better soon!
Take care!
Got mine today - I absolutely ♥ it (I got my favourite - yay!!)!! It's so gorgeous, and I framed it right away. Makes me happy every time I look at it!
Hi! I sent you my addy last week...just wanted to make sure you got it. For some reason, my stuff tends to go to straight to the spam folder! :)
I got mine!!!!
And I L O O O O V E it!!!!!
Seriously gonna frame it!!
(just need to press it flat for a while, cause my husband happend to had ordered a biiiiig book, that had crushed the card in my mailbox!!!!! stupid book!) But I use the book now to press the card *lol*
Again, thanks a lot!!
I would have you for dinner anytime for sure. Just call ahead so I can be sure to be decent and throw my plumber husband in the shower! ;)
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