( Photo Credit: Stacey Fike)
I have come back from my trip so over stimulated. Kind of reminds me of the way I felt during my first week in my uni art studio classes. The studio was full of graffiti artists, oil painters, collage artists, charcoal artists, watercolor etc. etc. My mind kept spinning from all the creativity! That's pretty much how I can best describe my time in TN at SISaversary. WOW. In a good way. I was SO very happy to meet Sisters whom I had already previously connected with. I even gave a few hugs! (pat myself on the back) I know. I have a heart I just have hug issues for some reason. I was going to blog the names of the SISters I met but realized I didn't want to hurt anyone if I somehow left a name out. So I will just wave hello to you *****waving!***** And I really hope to see you again next year :)
It was a super creative weekend yet I really have nothing to show for it. I did make a sign "Prima Table 3" but gave it away and never took a picture of it. This was one of the hardest layouts I've ever done. Why? Well I arrived at JJ's house to find the fashionistas creating away. It was such a buzz of excitement. I was placed with the responsibility of making my table sign and I felt this creative block! I wandered throughout the house looking for items to create said sign and ended up just hovering over the fashionistas. AMAZING! I quickly found table space on JJ's table along with Jo-Anne. I watched Jo-anne and she just bursts with creativity. Such a beautifully talented friend. Which made me wonder what the heck I was doing there. In JJ's house. Along with the rest of the fashionistas. Creating stuff?! I almost ran away :)
It was very awkward creating in someone else's space. Pulling stuff from boxes, jars, shelves. All the while people coming in and out freely wandering and looking. Sigh. Under pressure. I started humming the Song by Queen and David Bowie. Heck yes. I did. And then told myself, "Myself. GET IT TOGETHER. Just finish the sign like you were asked. It doesn't matter if it isn't perfect. Just finish the thing for pete's sake." And so I did. (And now it will be forever illusive for lack of photography. Oh bother)
I also made 5 ATC's and never took pictures of those. Sorry. But if by chance you did receive an ATC I made for SIS then can you please email a pic? (I'm hopeless I tell you. Why did I even bother blogging?!LOL!)
I took a couple of classes and LOVED them. But I have nothing to show (can you see a trend?! LOL) just yet as I traveled very light and without supplies. I did manage to distract as many people around me though -hehee.
I don't really regret not taking mona or any scrap supplies. I was forever worrying about overpacking and my CTS. This was the first time I traveled having CTS in both my arms. So I axed the scraps and camera and successfully flew to TN with only 1 carry on item :) Hooray for me. AND it was even light enough for me to lift it over my head into the overhead compartments. YES! (Takes a bow) It's seriously the little things that make me happy. (You don't fly to 10 different countries with 40+ hours of traveling abroad without perfecting "packing light". It's not a theory. It works!)
I will share with you 2 sneaks of upcoming Guest Design spots.

These are for 2 different places. I made both LO's a while back and can honestly say I'm still excited about both of them and can't wait to show you.

But alas, a sneak and a pretty peek is all I can do. I know. The s.u.s.p.e.n.s.e. HA!

And the much anticipated hair do pic. Oh yes, I love having short hair. Especially right now with the heat wave! Whew!
~ { MY Favs } ~
Favorite flower (Peonies)

Favorite textile dress (ala PacSun)

Favorite Store: IKEA (studio Furniture)

I decided that I will walk down the isle in Vegas with these...

***happy ending***
i started a thread for ATC photos for both of us because i didn't take any of mine either. doh.
you are fabulous. i don't want to kick you anymore but i do miss you like mad. come visit. let's go shopping. or just take pictures all day long.
just wanted to say one thing: you. are. so. beautiful.
have a great weekend!
that is the best photo.
and this is the longest entry!
i'm with you tho. i still can't get my head around making anything.
miss you <3
Your office is lookin great! Your flat files look way better than my old hand me downs! Everything's so crisp and fresh looking. Awesome.
Also, I do love your new do. Truly.
hey cutie!!
i wish i had an ikea.
i need to remember to find one next time i travel.
I feel kinda bad now...I had no idea you had hug issues. It certainly didn't show! :)
I need to know your secrets about packing light! :D
Holy peonies!!!!
Stunning...just like you.
~jayne :)
and will all the f-girls be invited to said peony wedding in vegas?
and your hair looks fabulous!
did you get more highlights since coming back from nashvegas?
big kiss---------> muuuaaaaaahhhhhhh!
ah. peonies are perfection.
love ya. still.
hi debbie! i just came to check out your blog via pencillines - your blog is really beautiful, so much to look at! i see you like atcs me too! i always have extra atcs floating around so if you ever want one just send me a line (here or at sis). have a wonderful wedding (you'll look fab with the great new do!).
so so so so happy you had such a good time at SISiversary - I can totally relate to everything you said you felt.... I get totally overwhelmed in situations like that!
those sneaks.... look amazing. I don't really think anything you make would look like anything less though...
and that hair! man, you have no idea how much I would love to be able to rock a hairstyle like that.... it looks so perfect on you!
Gorgeous in every way Girl!!!!
OK, the haircut?? Absolutely DIVINE! You are seriously working it!
Good for you!!
I really think you are one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen....both in and out.....you are so graceful and its an honour to be on a team with you xxxx
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