this is my art for this weeks creative therapy catalyst. I might be cutting it close with these darn wedding invitations ( need to photo edit the pic of my invitations) as tomorrow marks the 60 days to go mark. ANYONE ELSE FREAKING OUT?!?!?!?!?!?! oh. no. good. then me either.
I purchased some yarn at a local thrift store. Rushed home and you tubed this: awesome stitch pattern. I LOVED it!!! Except the yarn smells old. AND I can't possibly find the same colors because the yarn is OLD. Oh gosh it sure smells like it too. lol. So who knows what this little "blanket" is good for. I'm working on a scarf for my mom right now. I was at the car dealer to service my vehicle and broke out the crochet and I felt kinda strange. People were looking at me funny. But I get that alot. jk. well, at least it helped kill an hour of my time. the joy.
The drawing is something I drew about 10 years ago. Early collage. Maybe First year? I hate that I didn't date any of my sketches. But whatevs. My goodness, this is all I did instead of spend hours behind the computer screen. I kinda miss it.
So question and answer:
milkcan asked...
I love your stuff and I'd love to know more about the difference between your digi and paper creating processes. I know mine are totally schizophrenic!
I have to say that I never thought I'd like the digi. Shocker right? You might ask, how can you not like digi if you are a graphic artist?! Well, after 40+ hours behind a computer I wanted nothing to do with my computer when I got home. Therefor I turned to paper. I LOVE paper. I needed it more for therapy I think. My CTS started kicking in at the beginning of May and I found that the more tactile my hobby was the better it was for my hands. So I spent lots of time creating pages from paper. This comes easier to me. And I think I favor it over the digi. (for now :)
In comes the digi. I found it hard to let go of "the bottom line". As a graphic designer you're always selling something. The logo has to be big. There has to be sponsor and trademarks and generally the editing that goes behind the scenes drives me batty. When I made my first couple of pages. I turned off my computer frustrated more than 5 times in one sitting. I couldn't let myself think outside my designer restrictions. I had to repurpose my page. No selling something. No big fat ugly trademark anywhere. Although I LOVED the fact that there was no external editing involved ( meaning i needed no one's approval over my page ) I struggled to translate my artistic expression into a computer. The fact that it wasn't tangible was hard. (for example: I wanted to add spray splatters...surprise huh :) and I had to spray a white sheet of paper. scan it. then make it into a brush. I was SO wanting to just spray paint my computer screen! LOL. But thankfully, I started fresh. NO GRID. I am imperfect. As are all my pages so I wanted to have that same feel as in my paper pages. THAT was harder than I thought! LOL. I give you digi girls a hi-5 and a thumbs up for being able to make your pages look and feel real. The digi goods out there are amazing. I want to offer a free download soon so look for that :) As far as layout etc., I keep moving the title, the picture and the journaling around until I feel my eyes are happy with the design. I tend to overdo things, lol but edit myself over and over until it looks just right.
thanks for the question!
For now, digi love is awesome. I think I'm more of a hybrid girl and it makes me happy.
love to all of you
and have fun this week making art you love,
Go digi and go hybrid!!! I love them both in different ways! Not to mention I just love anything you do anyway!!!!!
you are such an inspiration!
love love
Love catching your layouts and posts Deb! I am always so impressed by digital artists. I am very computer is so hard for me to do. Some day when I actually have some money to spend on non-essentials I will hire someone to come to my house and teach me photoshop and all things HTML. until then I will just admire!
yarn + sketch = freaking AMAZING.
I totally get what you're saying about not wanting to do digi pages after sitting at a computer all day. I've done just a few digi layuots and don't find them nearly as satisfying as my paper pages.
Thanks for the eye candy!
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