- Lisa said...
girl, you are beyond inspiring :) my question would be: would you show a tutorial on your favorite technique??
thanks for the chance to win this giveaway!! :))
- Jenn said...
I love your blog, and have lurked for quite some time. I would love to know how you do the spray paint on your layouts. It always looks so perfect.
and because there is more in the shop to give away i picked 3 more lovelies :) YAY!
- sannika said...
I found your blog a couple of weeks ago so almost anything is new for me. I love seeing your creations and hope you won't abandon your blog in the midst of the wedding preparations... Oooh and congrats on getting married :-)
- Mandi said...
What a deal on your dress! And good luck with the house hunt! It's definitely a great decision to get one. I wish Phil and I had our own. You should share more wedding details, I think that would be fun. Like little details you're planning, because I'm sure as creative as you are, you have lots of fun details planned! :)
- domestic goddess said...
love love your digi work Debee, absolutley stunning!
hit me up with your addresses at: belladrummer@gmail.com and i will hit the post tomorrow :)
Today's Art lovin' for you:
I LOVED this weeks catalyst over at Creative therapy: Secrets. AH! I've got so many. More inner monologue I think, but that's pretty much daily life huh? Remember to think before you say something. LOL. ugh. So in an effort to stay true to that, i hid my journaling by writing/typing my little secrets onto strips of old envelope paper and turning it upside down and stitching it down so no one can see it. I'm good at keeping secrets. I find it hard to find quality friends who also are good at keeping secrets. Is that just something I've observed or is it just me? Either way, I trust only a handful of my dearest and sweetest friends with my thoughts, good & bad. And I like it that way. keeps a girl sane and accountable. LOL. Is it easy for you to share your secrets? Just wondering :)
Things to do today:
- Work on Tutorials for:
Spray painting techniques,
digi goodness,
and a secret project I've been holding onto just in time for valentines day!
- Setting up an appointment for physical therapy. UGH. Mr. handsome has been hounding me for this. I've had CTS for over 9 months and have not gone to physical therapy ever. And I just talked to a friend over the weekend who had a test where they used electrotherapy to figure out if she had carpal tunnel. SHOCK therapy! for real?! sigh. so not looking forward to this.no way jose.
-Order envelopes for wedding
- Upload photos of wedding stuffs to share. :) thanks for the interest
-and FINALLY designing my wedding invitations this week. better get on that. someone come over and kick me!
Can't wait to see wedding stuff!
Yippy Skippy! :) Love giveaways. Especially when they're from you. And especially when I win. ha!
AHHHH! LOOOVE that layout.
Genius layout!
And did I read spray paint tutorial?! Yippie!
Saw this on "Creative Therapy" - your art is just so inspiring!! Love it!!!
cool layout
loooove that layout. such a great idea for secrets. I love hidden things, so this is very cool.
Ohhhh-can't wait for painting techniques! Have you tried a wrist support for the CTS. My doc told me to try that first. I wore at nights (sometimes day time too if really bad.) Then one day I noticed I didn't need it anymore. Been pain free over a year. Google "carpal tunnel wrist support" to see velco gizmo that has opening for fingers and thumb.
happy day!! Debee posts another sublime layout!
Hey Debee...
I know I have been MIA. I am trying to get back to normal here. LOVE the work you did! I totally understand the hidden, there are aspects of ourselves that feel vunerable and are not easily shared with just anyone. I have many friends and people that I consider myself close too, but only a couple that I can truthfully be my whole complicated self with. Luckily you have Mr. Handsome! I am so happy for you.... xoxox Carrie
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