- this is my little cover -
- my favorite person ever - (sorry lucky - ((my dad's doggie))
my favorite eye candy. ( i sure wish i could afford this place. *swoon*)
more vintage love from the same store above. ( i love that mister let me look around, for a good hour or so. and he didn't hurt me :)
my super cool R. i am thinking of starting a collection of letters. and can you guess which letter is my fav? ;P
bought it, love it. kiss it. hug it,... mr handsome gets a little jealous. but really, only us girls can understand a deep deep love for anthro. xo am i right? amen.
ah... the watercolours, the type and the cut out... all make me a happy art lover. this makes me want to cancel everything else i'm supposed to do today and run to the nearest museum. especially in this rainy weather. care to join me? :)
it just cannot explain just how precious this little mini is to me.
i quickly finished a few pages and ran to show the mister. because it matters that he likes it. okay, so the pictures of him in the book he's not too excited about. but hot dang... that man is hot stuff :)
ooh. and so is the anthro page xoxo
you're so cute! :) sweet mini! My guy always lets me take my time looking around anthro, too...it's so nice to have them, isn't it?
You are a whiz with a sewing machine. Pretty, pretty.
And someday I will make it to anthro. Someday...
Awww, I spent my honeymoon in SF. It will forever have a special place in my heart.
Your mini is to.die.for.
This mini is just WONDERFUL...so many gorgeous details, I could look at it forever! :)
that mini is just so adorable. i think we are the luckiest girls in the world to have our guys go shopping with us and put up with us.
cutest little mini book ever! I just love it! you are so talented!
Man, I love it! Makes me want to dig out my paint and sewing machine. Sigh! But, have to find them first. ;)
My new scrap space is almost ready... then I can play.
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