it started with the lovely Kara and the art is found girls (LOVE the team she has! So beautiful and insanely talented) and it ended here.
please check it out :)

This is one of the most exciting journal's I've done. I can't stop taking it everywhere with me. I write in it. I look at it. I add to it :) It reminds me so much of art school. Sigh. I miss art school. Well, not the traffic part or the paying part. Just the creating and artistic expression free flowing everywhere. I want to go back sometimes. And in a way I did with this journal.

Another thing I'm EXCITED about is embroidery. I picked up some thread at Michael's this weekend and stayed off the computer just to embroider. Or. Well. TRY to embroider :) Danish and French AND Colonial! Watch out baby! Woot! Okay. I'm a nerd. I KNOW. Everyone in my house is pretty much like...oh.okay. sheesh. You sew like our grandma, and now this?! LOL. Sigh...it's because I'm a middle child. Dare to be different! (any other weird middle childers out there?!)
So anyway. I'll explain the process for this book and bore you with the details with a post tomorrow :)
I also wanted to thank you girls for stopping by and saying Hi! WOW. I'm thankful because if you hadn't left a comment i would've never known some of you are drummers too! AND amazing crafters plus fab photogs. I'm having a really great time checking your blogs out. Please keep posting your blogs and sites that inspire you. LOVE learning more about you girls. I have somewhat of an idea on how I want to display my blog line links to cool sites.It just takes time. So thank you! I kept telling Mr. Handsome all about you girls. Hehee. Awesome. That's what you are.
Be back tomorrow with more info on "Moving Forward".
I find myself insanely boring and never know what to blog about. Any ideas? Or I'll just keep up my lame embroidery rant :)
Leave me some questions.
Hi !! That journal is totally gorgeous....off to check out the link, thanks.
I am not the weird middle child, there are only 2 of us, I am the weird younger child......Think it might have something to do with having to entertain yourself !!!!
Have a great day :o)
Oh, I am insanely in love with your journal. Gorgeous. Thanks for Guesting!
You are so lovely.
my, my, my... look what we've got here! Another fantastic piece of work! :)
I'm seriously excited for your little "tutorial" about how you made this, cause there's some techniques on here that I'm dying to try!!!
this journal is beyond amazing - i am so inspired by you......love the digi on this. i want to see more. and hear more about your process...when i try to layer it comes out a bloody mess. yours just pleases the eye. the soul. maybe i need to go to art school.
and i am a middle child too. definitely. I'm #3 of 7 kids. bleck.
Embroidery is so not uncool. i just started a few months ago. I got an awesome book with really really cool [updated] petterns at Border's Books. It's called Sublime Stitching. I love it. On my blog today's post has two little people in a mini that I drew and embroidered. And that journal...Woah. Just. Amazing.
It's fabulous...love.
dang girl... that is just gorgeous. in awe of your passion to try new things... embroidery... you inspire me. so much. loves you dB
talk about wanting to go back to art school! i saw your journal on the taif page and it is stunning! so visually interesting, really inspiring! can't wait to see and hear more about it.
Hi my lovely friend! U know me...Francheska :) As always, I am drooling over all your work and can only dream about being as good as u. Not to mention what a beautiful person u are! Kisses, Keka :)
I'm glad there are other nerds in the world!
Love, love, love the journal! I can't wait to hear about your "boring" (whatever! -- lol) process. :D
Hi Debee,
Found your blog through 'the art is found' and wow, I love your creations. Esp. the drummer girl LO, a-ma-zing. hehe. So inspiring!
Hi there
how fun to start something new.
i don't think it's grandma-ish. i think it's brave and creative!
you will so rock at this too!
i'm cutting my trip short and going home soon. i'm really missing my hubby. i've got to get some time in with him. then i'll make some time to create.
have a great Tuesday!
lots of love to you
your journal is gorgeous!
Sheeeesh girl you are way tooo creatively Coool!!!
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