it's a process
i left my room all tore up
the studio is half done
my bedroom is messy
and i came home and i just wanted to wave a magic wand and fix everything
or wiggle my nose
i enjoyed my time at SIS headquarters
met some wonderful people
(i will blog about all the lovelies i met ;) soon. not today)
and i missed the mr.handsome man
dang him
went to watch all the movies i wanted to watch while i was away
but of course, without me
he picked me up from the airport and geez louise
he's a stud
*fanning myself*
nuff said
back to reality
dang it,
anyone seen my wand?
Awww -- no fun coming home to a mess. When you find your wand, please share it with me! :) It was really great chatting with you at SISiversary! You are such a sweetie, and I feel really blessed to know you!
so so so good to meet you!
♥ ♥ ♥
i &hearts you.
and miss you.
yaaay! you are home...
but home to a mess, that's no fun at all!
cannot wait to hear about sisiversary... I will live it through you :P
Hope your trip went well.
love the bit about fanning yourself.
You are such a sweetheart.
If I knew where you magic wand was at I'd be using it right now!
Good luck w/ that mess honey.
xoxo :)
i can't believe how much i adore you. i miss you.
Your too gorge and a hoot to boot!
glad your back and cant wait to hear your SISversary Goss!
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