I love little red birds perched on vintage pink balls of yarn.
and little birds that tweet only the sweetest pink hearts **
love indeed.
I recently was asked this question:
lisarachel said...
I wish I had discovered your shop earlier! I've never actually bought anything from Etsy (using all my earned moneys back on the shop) but I truly enjoyed your shop (so i chose yours apposed to any others)
It looks like you truly enjoy what you make! I want that feeling in my shop........how do you do it?
Thank you Lisarachel for your question and very sweet comments about my shop. :)
I've had this post here for a while and have added so much too it I hope my answer doesn't overwhelm you ;)
It all started with a couple of resolutions for 2010. The main one was "finish unpacking the studio". And in my attempt to do just that, I found myself overwhelmed with "stuff". I neither wanted to part with nor keep. Don't know if that makes any sense? I wanted to make something with it. Not just pass it along. So I did just that. I started making stuff and I found that making stuff just makes me happier. I then put it in my ETSY shop and hoped with everything in me that someone, ANYONE would like it and want to make it their own. Live with it or even give it away as a special gift. Those two are just the icing on the cake for me.
So I'm happier making stuff.
I'm happier because it declutters the mess in my studio & makes room for more :)
I then started thinking about changing jobs. Mr.Handsome once asked me... what you you WANT to do? I surprisingly answered, "I want to do something completely different. I want to work in a paperie type shop or Anthro." Well, the second one is a given to anyone who loves anthro right? hahaa.
So then he said, "But isn't your studio like your paper store? You have everything you need in there. Just sell what you make in your ETSY shop." ( I did have an opportunity to apply for a position at my local Anthro shop for Window Display Manager... but I have no experience in it, even though I do have the degree they require...hmm... still on the fence on that :)
So we talked finances... bought & made only things I absolutely LOVE:
*LOVE* first of all that Mr. Handsome completely loves and inspires me to do what I really love. And even financially supports the decisions I make to sell only what I love in my belladrummer etsy shop. He's my biggest support. :)
*love* making limited and one of a kind mini paper kits,
*love*colorful baker's twine wrapped around handmade tags
*love*making use of things I have made for giving gifts like the Pillow Box Kits
*love* my favorite bits of papers all sewn up to make the sweetest garlands.
*love* To try out new things not just for myself but to add to your art too with these pretty fascinator style flower pieces
All these things I've personally used and have loved to give away to my friends & family. I wouldn't put anything I don't love out there just to "sell something". I feel like my etsy shop is my place to curate some of my favorite if not most loved items just for you. Because I feel you totally and completely understand my love for all things paper & art. And sharing that with the most unexpected group of virtual friends all over the world makes my heart skip a beat :) I love when I am at the post office and they ask me where am I going to next? Meaning where will I be sending my art to next. I LOVE that the little things I make in my little corner of the world have reached places farther than i could ever have imagined.
And as a thank you for kindly making my art yours I package it up in a lovely manner as a little extra gift from me to you. because I think sometimes receiving beautiful packages are few and far between. It just makes it that more special to receive something that has thought and care put into it :)
I don't let running my shop stress me out. It is not my full time employment. It's what I choose to do. It brings me joy. Practically every time I sell something I love sharing that with Mr. Handsome. Even the trips to the post office have been fun for me. I rarely get to drive since I work from home... so when I do make a trip to the post to send out ETSY orders... I crank up the radio and sing along while I drive. I enjoy my friendships with the clerks and it makes it that much better for me.
- So think about what makes you happy
- Then make what you love
- Put it in your shop
- & make sure to show appreciation by putting thought into the packaging & special. (I always remind myself... be generous.)
So there you have it! You can do it too :) There are so many artists and sellers out there that there is a special place for you too ! i love that about ETSY & handmade. It's all so unique. i LOVE that.
My etsy shop has been a joyful experience for me. And i especially want to thank everyone who has supported my shop. It's been such a blessing that you choose to support handmade. it gives me the confidence to keep putting my heart into everything I do. Playing around in my studio is so much fun I am so happy I get to share a little bit of that with you. I truly am thankful.
- d
I love your sweet, grateful attitude, and how humble you are. I think that's partially why your shop is so sweet- you just do what you love, and you're a great girl. :)
Totally in love with your shop, blog, and style.
I don't know you and only recently started reading your blog, but I think you seem to genuine and sweet and you're crazy talented!
can't wait to see the goodies I bought from you a couple weeks ago, too!
(and my dream job is working at Anthro, too...)
Well you have a shop fan in me Debee! I don't have a very big "extras" in the budget but when I do and want to give something special and beautiful to a friend, I love to buy from you. Every time I have it's been magical and filled with heart. You can tell when opening your packages that you love what you create. thanks.
Thanks for answering me!!
Great advice! I’ve been going threw a serious brain storm with my shop and what to do with it (I’m selling nothing) and this has inspired me to just do what I enjoy most.... (du right??? if I like it wont others)
keep up the love of life (its contagous)
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