I shared this wee little bit of spring shadow box over at KR blog today.
it's love for handmade flowers inspired by Anthro bathing suits
flowers made of soft felt, wrapped around a cute vintage velvet button and black jewels. Finished off with vintage crepe paper and handmade duo tone leaves with crazy sewing lines.
I had to do everything in my power to not wear this EVERYWHERE and leave it inside the shadow box to embellish the page.
It's still in the shadow box ;P

*shivers* ( it's too cold to talk about bathing suits I know :)
but isn't this piece just the perfect bit of lovely?
And as if that weren't enough add some KR kit love to the mix:
And finish it off with the sweetest snapshot of Mr.Handsome and I on our wedding day. Completely tired and happy right after our wedding. Breathing a sigh of relief that we had a miracle happen upon us and our wedding went off as planned and we were now in love for life :) lucky mr.handsome hahaa.
So this little shadow box love lives in our living room. Even if the sun doesn't shine outside, inside we have a little bit of spring living among us. Making us happy :) As we celebrate us. I'm on a roll! I haven't missed a month yet. Remember my resolution I made here to celebrate more? It's actually something I look forward too. I can't wait for next month... :)
spring came sooner than i expected.
just don't look outside.
its gonna rain.
ps: thank you SO much for the dentist love yesterday!
sadly. it was another 2 hour ordeal at the dentist...and it was all over 1 cavity. I have sensitive teeth! who knew? the bummer part is they didn't finish and i have to go back. :( but on the flip side I did make it through without killing anyone :) hahaa.
and i did finish off on a high note:
starbucks strawberry banana w/soy smoothie + coffee swirl cake ( you know I shoved that thing down the part of my mouth that wasn't numb hahaa. )
this of course makes every dentist visit well worth it.
So pretty! Love your vases!
Hi Debee,
I just stumbled across your blog today and wanted to tell you how lovely I think it is. I hope you don't mind, I mentioned it on a blog - I hope it sends some customers your way :)
beautiful shadowbox....and swimsuit!
beautiful shadowbox! love the pictures!
That is gorgeous -- I'm in love with those colors!
Hurry up warm weather, and please stay awhile! :)
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