i remember back in late 2008 accepting the once in a life time opportunity to design a few scrapbooking items for MAMBI. Never thought it would all come out like this. It's even better than I expected. Despite dealing with a recent diagnosis of CTS, an overbearing work schedule and life... this happened. Good came out of it. i think it really helped me focus my energy on creating rather than worrying too much about everything else negative going on around me.
Life. it's a whole lot of good. and a whole lot of bad. Some out of our control and even still there is a way to come out of it with a good perspective. This was my "happy" during those times. playing around designing with elements i absolutely love and even still use in my art. I feared that i would change. that i wouldn't like it so much after time. but thankfully, it's still making my heart happy.
i thought i could make one of you happy too :)

I am giving away a "Debee inspire: Chipboard Album Kit" that MAMBI so generously donated.
(international entries welcome :) I will pick a lucky winner this wednesday.
in order to be entered in the giveaway, tell me what makes you feel inspired or What you love to create with right now.
ps: thank you for the sweet anniversary wishes!!! it was so lovely :)
Debee! That is too awesome for words! I definitely want to win!
i love creating scrapbooks and mini albums based on my current feelings at that time. right now i'm in wedding mode, so it's love, love, love all around!
&&& thanks for offering a great giveaway!
WOW, great work!!!! And great giveaway.
I always feels inspired the most when the kids say something FAB that I want to remember forever....or DH and I go away. Plus I am going through a mini album faze, and this would be so great to work with!!!!!
Thanks for sharing. I just love your blog
I have been inspiredn to make things to decorate my home recently. Great giveaway, you do lovely things :)
love that kit :) I´d love to win.
As always what inspires me is LOVE
mua mua sweet girl
I have to say I'm always inspired by your amazing attitude every time I visit your blog! Right now I love to create art journals, I'm filling a new one just about every week!
Thanks for the giveaway and your great blog!
Thanks for this blog post...your timing is perfect!!!...and am squeeking right now with the chance to win your beautiful kit!!! Today is a great day!
What inspires me most when I create are usually my photos...they hold such great memories...and I love lots of color!
Hmm...what inspires me? Color! I am in love with color! It jumps out at me wherever I go and I say to myself, I have to do a layout or something with those colors!
Thanks for the chance to win :) You're a peach!
at the moment I'm taking Elsie and rachel's tell your story art journal class and I'm very inspired by the lovely art pages the class and instructors have created. I'm trying to get mine started and work on it diligently for the next one and a half months! (:
the short answer is...
you and your pretties!
: .)
I am inspired by laughter : )
that's a beautiful kit!
right now i'm enjoying mists (maybe one day working up to spray paint! ;) ), paper and my punches. my materials of choice right now.
Lately, what makes me feel inspired is SPRING -- the sky, the waves, the cherry blossoms, the air, the sundresses, the everything, the each and everything.
Sadly I'm inspired by mess. My (failed) efforts to clean up my craft space tend to produce something. I wish I was one of those people who thrived on organization, but never have been.
I get inspired by other artists blogs. Like yours. I just found you and I love your work. I also love your positive attitude. We can never have enough of that floating around.
Spring! And the amazing light!
Love the kit!
All the many many crafty scrapbook related blogs I follow and making mini books out of recycled boxes and patterned paper. I love mixing new with found items.
well guess what just happens to be making me happy and inspired right now? Just finished an awesome album for Adrienne (my CT bestie who I have you send etsy yummies to) I made her a mini from the elements I purchased from you and Kara. I love how it turned out!! Makes me feel so good to be working with paper again.
Te kit is wonderful and I am sure you have soo many more artistic adventures ahead!
The color gray is inspiring me--goes so well with powder blue, such a great background. I love it! That kit looks great--so exciting!
What makes me inspired? Two things - my garden and looking at blogs like yours! Your blog is amazing - I love your photography! And being in the garden reminds me that there is so much perfection and even imperfection in nature - it reminds me to play with color and texture. Right now, I am excited about playing with fabric, getting back into sewing again, and taking your class at REFLECTIONS this weekend! Yay!
I am an elementary teacher in a school district with a lot of old books. Teachers are always putting stuff in the lounge to be shared and if no one takes said goodies, they get recycled. I hate to see that happen and so I often sneak up at the end of the school day and take one or two or four. I am inspired to use these books. I use them as bases for journals and I use the pages for embellishments. Cutting shapes with the cricut from these pages is always great :)
I'd love to win!
Ooh I would give my right leg to win this giveaway Deebee....lol!!
I am totally inspired by etsy stores right now and all the handmade pretties!! Makes me want to start my own etst store. Thanks for the chance to win xox
my little guy is winding down his last days of school so his growing up is an inspiration for me right now...where has the time gone this school year? great giveaway!
Oh, I'm totally on a recycled crafting kick right now. Inspired by food packaging, security envelopes, old filing cabinet folders, vintage book covers - that sort of thing :)
pick me! pick me! thanks Debee... always love your creations :-)
Definitely inspired by japanese masking tape creations right now! I love all the different ways I see people using it :)
oh thanks for this opportunity! What a greadt kit!! Im always inspired by those around me - of what they are creating - blogs, magazines, advertisments! Thank YOU for the inspo! xx
Great Give-a-way!!!
I am ispired but tons of things, evrything a round me really, nice blogs ( Like yours...;-)) and books!
Wish you all the best and the the "goods" in your live will be a lot more that the "bads"!!
i'd have to be completely low-tech and say that a nice sharp pencil and a blank page give me butterflies everytime! thanks for all your inspiration too!
So cool! I am inspired by nature mostly and I am currently obsessed with crocheting:)Thanks for this opportunity to win:)
The album kit is AWESOME!
I am inspired by many things -- nature, my kiddos, packaging, typography, color and the list could go on and on. Recently, I have been busy playing with fabric.
what a beautiful album!Now i'm inspired!I love making mini albums so easy and fast to do.thanks for the chance to win.love your blog!
I am inspired by nature - just walking on a trial hearing the birds chirping and the fish jumping in the canal, the trees swaying - it makes me feel at peace and I just want to express myself.
Love your art!
What a gorgeous give away!! Right now I love to journal and it really makes me happy :)
Love, Viv
Oh how pretty! I love your page.
Right now I'm inspired by flowers and love and hugs and everything wedding and home related. Life is so happy right now (and I have to remember that God is just as good even when it doesn't feel as amazing as right now!).
my scrapbooking time is limited so right now, I'm creating little gift tags, using all the new punches on the market as well as some old ones I've had forever. They are very much inspired by your style, actually. So thanks for that and for the giveaway!
vintage things and a lot of home dec stuff lately
LOVED that Chipboard Album Kit! I got one of those at my local Michael's! I have saved all the bitty scraps of paper I have left from it too :-)
Thanks for the cool giveaway!! what's inspiring me.....well, today it was both the pics of my "week in the life" for my current project as well as creating with my friend, Keri who just gets it and gets just as giddy about creating as i do:)
I am inspired by my sons, unique nature and of course talented people around like you))
I am inspired by my sons, unique nature and of course talented people around like you))
Ahhh! Lovely! I am totally inspired by the seasons (spring, where I live is beautiful), paint, color, and other artists. I guess I am inspired by those artists that create freely. "Out of the box" artists are my favorite. ;)
Waow, I'll give it a try! I love using gesso and ink sprays now :-)
is there still time to comment? :)
what inspires me?
silence. coffee. talking to my soul mates. all things vintage. red. quotes. and so many more...
Gosh, I'm always inspired by nature, other creative people, art, words, music, etc.
how cooL!
your stuff is awesome!
I looked at Michaels for some
but never did see it!
how lovely! Lately im inspired by satin fabric i just boght for little kids capes, pink with green and blue with mellon yellow. Also i love old ledger book paper, random but full of fun lines and colors:D
Always Im inspired by trees, love um.
keep up the insparation;) you have a great eye.
Debee, those are awesome. even though you designed them back in 2008 they are still things that can be used today in different art mediums. very nice!!
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