had the BEST weekend this year. I got so many little scrap tags done! YAY! I love making little tags. They don't take up too much space and I get to clip them up anywhere. I made 6 but one was to give to Michelle and forgot to take a picture of it :) oops. The one above is my fav. The rest are here: at SIStv
So one of the highlights from this weekend was meeting Michelle and her gorgeous little ones (Hi Olivia & Kyan!) FUN!!! And we shopped for some scrap goodies (she's got great taste :)

On Sunday I finally got to pick up Mr. Handsome from the dreaded airport. I'm a hero LOL jk. So SO So happy he came back so I can take pictures of him and his feet LOL :) I Love my houndstooth shoes and it looks like they're crushing on his shoes.

And I finally let him take pictures with Mona
I don't really like to be in the pictures!
But it's cool. I get to see stuff from his perspective.

It was a sweaty 86 outside so we went to my fav ice cream candy store.
You know the place where the ice cream guys shop?
Well, there will be no running after the ice cream truck for me ;P
LOVE it. Get to shop in bulk AND for WAY cheap!
Bought me some Mexican candy-delicious!
And the best part about this wrapper, it's not only pretty, you can put perfume on the label and stick it to your skin and it makes a pretty smelling TATTOO! SA-weet!
Man, good times
How was your weekend?
I'm so ready for another
hee hehee
::: 71 :::: to go!
haha You seriously crack me up. I must check up on you often.
Think I'll try the whole mazapan tattoo. haha
Did you do that as a kid too. You know what we used to do..? Dou you know that kinda mexican candy with the thin white paper like texture...we used to pretend it was the catholic "bread". heheh
Anyhoo, love your blog!!
you are a tag making goddess. hands down. those are the coolest tags ever. You've totally inspired me to make some for my walls!
I love that photo of you, just gorgeous! ;)
Those are funny!
Can you please email me your address so I can send you the fabric please?
oh it was the best meeting up with you.
We must do it again and i'll get a sitter too.
and the shoe crushin'= hilarious!!!!
so glad your man made it back.
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