made a little somethin' somethin' for both Bex and Sarah B (fashionistas a SIStv)
I am not one to make cards. I will purchase one at Hallmark with the quickness though. Any time. Any day. Except this year I will erase my fear of card making and face it head on. I don't necessarily call these "cards" more like little art pieces. They are one worded. Purposefully because I don't really keep happy birthday cards and hang them longer than my birthday week. So I made some to keep out longer than that. Sporadic yes, but full of happiness.
Here's Bex :

And here's Sarah's:

Both ladies I love and wish all the hope and happiness in this world always :)
I also wanted to mention something. No pitty please, just wondering if anyone else out there deals with the same thing. This past week was a toughie. More physically than emotionally. I had been experiencing some uncomfortable numbness and tingling in my left arm and hand. At night it was the most painful. I went to the doctor on Friday to find out that I have CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) in my left arm. Funny enough the arm I do not use as much. I work 40+ hours a week as a graphic designer at my church. All the computer work is catching up. So now I wear a brace. Tough to realize at 28 your already falling apart. But like my doctor said- it's a benign condition and I'm 100 percent healthy still. Praise God. :) I'm not dying. At least not yet. LOL. But I wonder what others who deal with CTS do to lessen the symptoms? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
And a HUGE thank you to both Lee & Sandra for nominating my little web space for an award. I keep this space open for people to connect to SIStv, for those who enjoy art to stop by and say hi, and for Mr. handsome to read LOL. But mostly, to meet wonderful people whom I'm sure if it wasn't for this blog I would've never met. Hello friends. ;)
Just know that my 1st blog anniversary is coming up in MAY and I'd be happy to make little "art cards" with lots of love from me to you as a rak. So please post a comment and everyone who posts will be entered to win a card. I appreciate and love you each and everyone of you. And if you have any ideas for gifts I can totally use the help. (since i've never had a blogiversary ;) help me make it a good one! Thanks for taking the time again to say hi. :)
Off to make some tags/ art cards to give away.
much love and happiness for you,
Absolutely adorable cards! You HAVE to make cards more often!!
Hey sweetie sorry to hear that you have the CTS. You look after yourself. Do you use a trackball mouse rather then a normal mouse??? That may help a little.
Loving your creations, love your blog!!!!! (but you know that already.... LOL)
Hey there,
Thought I left a message here earlier, but I guess I didn't get it sent off right.
Sorry to hear about the carpel tunnel. My hubby deals with that too. My neighbor told me the the wrist is the base of your hand, right above the wrist (on both sides of your hand) is the best place to massage to relieve the pressure and the pain. My hubby says it actually feels like the blood is rushing back in a flowing through his hand when I do that, and also massage right above the elbow bone. Hope that helps with the pain. I'll ask my neighbor what you can do to prevent it from getting worse.
Your welcome for the blog award. I love your work and you are also so inspiring.
Have a great Tuesday!
Ooh Debee sorry I dont how to help with your CTS ;)
Im just a daggy scrapper who wants to own a peice of your art [lol].
Loolabelle :)x
sorry to hear about the CTS diagnosis. i went to school for physical therapy but never did anything with my degree, but when i was working in PT i saw lots of CTS patients and it is not a fun thing.... good luck to you my dear... i found lots loved using a hot wax bath to sooth their hands. just a thought.
you know.....VERY few people can truly inspire me with their scrapbooking. honestly. but you?? not kidding. every single time. you make me just want to get up and CREATE. you are amazing, and you truly have a gift.
Hi Babe,
I'm a long time reader, first time poster. First, I would like to volunteer for those arm massages. I'll make the sacrifice to help get rid of the CTS ;) ... Second, I would like to enter my name into the "take a little bit of debee home" drawing. I need to add to my debee collection... Third, love ya ;)
awww, mr handsome coco posted!
beautiful tiny art pieces :)
have no experience with cts, but am sad to hear you suffer with it.
Of course I just love everything u do!! So it won't surprise u much when I say...ur cards are freakin' gorgeous! & I'm so sorry to hear about your arm. I sometimes feel the same way w/ my right arm but it's due to my scholiosis :(
have cts also
bummer hey...
try and use a fixed mouse pad and a jelly thing in front of my keyboard think that helps a bit....
take care
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